
If it took you four months to figure out how Bacula works maybe you
shouldn't be allowed near any computer!

There are ways and means to do things in Bacula and let me tell you this
if you couldn't do it or find a way you are really incompetent and again
should be allowed to operate a PC.

I have Bacula running at several sites without a glitch and backing up
over 1 TB of data on one site with a LTO3 Autoloader, and BTW this was
done when I was still a novice in the Linux World, so if I could do it
anyone can............well it looks like you're the excpetion not the

On the Windows side of things there are no problems, I've backuped and
restored several machine using Bacula and the Bart PE and with great

Basically I can't see that its useable for anything more than backing up
a single system, and even then better be careful.........WHAT, ARE YOU
OUT OF FREAKING MIND, YOU NUMB SKULL, here is a tip and I'll try to do
this in a language that you might understand

You know what Bacula Users........good riddance to bad trash and lastely
he'll 10 to 1 make a [EMAIL PROTECTED] up of the other software as well!

On Wed, 2007-11-21 at 08:07 -0500, Shon Stephens wrote:
> Ok. This is a rant and you can remove it from the list if you want to
> later. I just have to vent.
> Bacula is incredibly complex to setup. Its taken 4 months and its
> still not working correctly.
> Things that should be easy that Bacula makes overly complex:
> Labeling tapes
> Assigning tapes to pools
> Reassigning tapes to pools
> Managing disk media
> Things Bacula can't seem to get right:
> Detecting a tape is in the drive and using it
> Even though the correctly labeled tape is in the drive, and has the
> right Volume label, and is marked "Append", and is from the correct
> Pool....
> Bacula is still waiting for a mount request. Every external program
> recognizes that the tape is in the drive and mounted. Not Bacula
> Catalog entries. I've not had a single backup job where the right
> entries made it into the Catalog
> Windows hosts. Good luck figuring out the esoteric path syntax because
> its different in different chapters of the manual and also different
> depending on which part of the config you are editing
> Basically I can't see that its useable for anything more than backing
> up a single system, and even then better be careful.
> I'm going with Arkeia Network Backup. Might cost money, but at least
> it will work as advertised which is more than can be said for Crapula
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Open Solutions
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Think not those faithful who praise all thy words and actions; but those
who kindly reprove thy faults.

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