Re-sending... As Dan just informed me and John pointed out in the other
thread, apparently I've been replying directly to the previous poster
instead of the list.  Sorry about that. =\

>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
>Of Dan Langille
>Sent: Wednesday, 21 November, 2007 07:19
>To: bacula-users
>Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula
>On 21 Nov 2007 at 8:07, Shon Stephens wrote:
>> Ok. This is a rant and you can remove it from the list if you want to
>> later. I just have to vent.
>> Bacula is incredibly complex to setup. Its taken 4 months and its
>> still not working correctly.
>You are unique.

I have to agree with Dan here.  Over the years that I have used bacula a
number of people have reported having issues with setting up bacula to suit
their particular needs.  However, generally those issues were incurred from
having rather uncommon considerations within their systems.

>> Things that should be easy that Bacula makes overly complex:
>> Labeling tapes
>> Assigning tapes to pools
>> Reassigning tapes to pools
>> Managing disk media
>> Things Bacula can't seem to get right:
>> Detecting a tape is in the drive and using it
>> Even though the correctly labeled tape is in the drive, and has the
>> right Volume label, and is marked "Append", and is from the correct
>> Pool....
>> Bacula is still waiting for a mount request. Every external program
>> recognizes that the tape is in the drive and mounted. Not Bacula
>> Catalog entries. I've not had a single backup job where the right
>> entries made it into the Catalog
>> Windows hosts. Good luck figuring out the esoteric path 
>syntax because
>> its different in different chapters of the manual and also different
>> depending on which part of the config you are editing
>> Basically I can't see that its useable for anything more than backing
>> up a single system, and even then better be careful.
>> I'm going with Arkeia Network Backup. Might cost money, but at least
>> it will work as advertised which is more than can be said for Crapula
>Oh, and here I thought you were going to ask for more help.  Oh well. 
> Good luck to you.  I hope the parting shots improve things for you.

Again I think Dan is right here.  It's a shame that you were unable to
properly configure bacula for your needs.  However, although I'm no
psychologist, I have found that besmirching the source of my frustrations
has never been a productive means of releaving said frustration.  Perhaps
you just need a vacation.

>Dan Langille - PGCon -
>This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
>Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
>Bacula-users mailing list

Thank you,
Chris Lee 

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