On 15/12/15 13:20, Heitor Faria wrote:

> Suggestion: http://bacula.us/tuning/

Whilst that page is a good starting point, a couple of points are flat 
out wrong:

EG: setting maximum block size in tapes - DON'T SET THIS - EVER (unless 
the driver manufacturer advises it)

Compression should only _ever_ be used on disk backups (tapes generally 
have their own hardware compression engines) and not at all if the 
underlaying filesystem uses compression (eg: ZFS)

LTOs run so fast that disk spooling needs to be solid state (ramdisk or 

Hardware RAID controllers are generally a waste of time on modern 
systems. Stick with MD-raid (This applies to Linux and BSD)

MySQL works ok for small sites but doesn't scale well. PostgreSQL is a 
heavy load on small installations but will keep running long after MySQL 
has decided to use all your system ram and swap too. The breakeven point 
is about 10-15 million entries. Beyond that point MySQL needs endless 
tuning and PostgreSQL doesn't.

Define non-transparent huge pages. MySQL and PostGreSQL will both use 
them better than transparent ones.

Enough memory is a critical factor. Put in as much as you think you need 
and then double it. 300 million file entries will need 48GB for 
PostgreSQL and at least double that for MySQL if you want to avoid 
swapping and keep the system usable for actual backups as well as 
database activities.

A fast CPU isn't important until you do lots of database work. It's more 
important to keep the ram base speed as fast as possible - 1333MHZ 
instead of 800MHz, etc. If this means paying more for 8*32GB dimms 
instead of 16*16GB dimms, that's a worthwhile investment.

The tuning recommendations for PgSQL are long-outdated. See 
postgresql.org for better ones (shared buffers should be much larger on 
large systems for starters)

None of the above stuff is going to make any difference to the primary 
problem the OP has: -  Extremely poor backup speed across the network to 
disk before attribute despooling takes place which also has extremely 
poor speeds. Something, somewhere is badly compromising disk and/or 
network throughput. The cause must be found/resolved before any other 
work can have meaningful results.

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