Hello all,

we have observed strange behavior in our recent backups. We have a number of
filesystems, and explicitly list those to be backed up in the fileset

One of these file systems is


which has subdirectories for each user. Backing these up has worked perfectly
for the last decade by just including the file system in the FileSet

FileSet {
  Name = "fs_gundabad"
  Include {
    Options {
      signature = SHA1;
      xattrsupport = yes;
        File = /home/stud

However, a recent differential backup shows warnings for _all_ of user
subdirectories of the form:

13-Oct 03:25 gundabad-fd JobId 2161:      /home/stud/aqsprak01 is a different
filesystem. Will not descend from /home/stud into it.
13-Oct 03:25 gundabad-fd JobId 2161:      /home/stud/aqsprak02 is a different
filesystem. Will not descend from /home/stud into it.

Even stranger, the backup _does_ appear to contain files from these
directories (or more accurately, shows them in the catalog):

* list files jobid=2161

Has anyone observed something like this elsewhere? As I wrote above, we use
Bacula 7.4.4, on Scientific Linux 7.2 backing-up NFS v4.0 filesystems mounted
via automounter from an EMC VNX 5200.


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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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