On 1/3/2017 4:36 PM, Ian Douglas wrote:
> Hi All
> Compliments of the season and all that.
> Year is off to a rocky start. :-)
> Was doing a full backup, around 3.5 to 4 TB so takes a while.
> PC running Director decided to lock up for some reason (possibly related to
> new CPU fan).
> Now the job that WAS running (and all ones after it) are Error.

Yes. So you cannot trust the job that was running. I would probably 
restart all daemons and erase that tape and start over.

> However tape director is stuck and won't let me do anything.
> The tape that it wants is in the drive. It's the one it was writing to.
> Device status:
> Device tape is "LTO-6" (/dev/nst0) waiting for:
>      Volume:      NASFull-0016
>      Pool:        NASFullPool
>      Media type:  LTO-6
>      Device is BLOCKED waiting for media.
>      Total Bytes Read=64,512 Blocks Read=1 Bytes/block=64,512
>      Positioned at File=0 Block=0
> ==
> ====
> Used Volume status:
> Reserved volume: NASFull-0016 on tape device "LTO-6" (/dev/nst0)
>      Reader=0 writers=1 reserves=0 volinuse=0
> ====
> Data spooling: 1 active jobs, 4,058,134,331 bytes; 1868 total jobs,
> 50,000,034,684 max bytes/job.
> Attr spooling: 1 active jobs, 0 bytes; 1935 total jobs, 151,992,356 max bytes.
> I've tried mounting/unmounting/resume/restart etc in loops and combinations,
> and Google is being spectacularly unhelpful, so now I need to ask the
> experts... how do I get Bacula to either resume the backup (which is
> apparently not yet possible in non-pro version) or at least stop what it's
> doing and do what I tell it to do?
> Should I just restart the PC running the tape machine?
> Tried rebooting this PC (Director + database + also a FD) but does not help.
> Thanks, Ian

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