
czw., 24 sty 2019 o 23:50 Dimitri Maziuk via Bacula-users <
bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net> napisał(a):

> On 1/24/19 4:15 PM, mark.berg...@uphs.upenn.edu wrote:
> > Putting it very bluntly, the data in Bacula's database is the only
> > important component. Your tool -- and every other GUI front-end -- is a
> > convenience, not a necessary part of the backup infrastructure, and your
> > tool (and every other GUI front-end to Bacula) is much, much less mature
> > and less trusted.
> Even if it is, unless it comes with bacula from bacula,

Well, in my opinion the only GUI which comes from Bacula is BWeb
Enterprise, YMMV.

> there is no
> guarantee that the next version of the core software will not add more
> database objects with a name clash.

Well, I cannot give you a guarantee but as a core Bacula developer I can
assure you it is not a problem you can experience anytime soon.
IBAdmin is using a very different database objects naming scheme then
Bacula so the risk of object name clash is extremely low.

> Or change the schema in a way that
> breaks your tool.

IBAdmin detects Bacula Catalog change and promptly inform you about it,
just take a look:

> Having the pieces fall in the same database that holds
> my super-important backup catalog is just... like I said: !@#$ck no.

Sure its your opinion.

I understand all your fears about object name collision and in my opinion
the risk is extremely low. I am trying to understand all other complains,
but with the sentence: "(...) like I said: !@#$ck no." is extremely hard.

IBAdmin is designed as a simple to use but powerful tool. It is dedicated
to less experienced Bacula admins who wants to use Bacula as fast as
possible. It has a lot of unique features which are not available in any
other GUI like a different types of Backup clients available: Standalone,
Cluster node, Cluster service and Alias, a number of different backup job
types available like Files backup, Catalog backup, Proxmox backup, VMware
Guest VM backup, etc., transactional and instant configuration change, AES
encrypted passwords, build in statistics daemon, Background tasks (for long
running operations) and many other.

As I said, from technical point of view you can move IBAdmin objects to
separate database. Just define an additional database in configuration file
and develop a Django database access router for this (something like:
https://docs.djangoproject.com/pl/1.11/topics/db/multi-db/). If someone
wants to do it, no problem. The code is available in AGPLv3 license.

best regards
Radosław Korzeniewski
Bacula-users mailing list

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