
wt., 23 lut 2021 o 01:23 David Brodbeck <brodb...@math.ucsb.edu> napisał(a):

> On Fri, Feb 12, 2021 at 12:49 PM <jman...@engineering.ucsb.edu> wrote:
>> To address this and many of the great suggestions, which we're very
>> appreciative of, we're now trying to use Homebrew to build its formula for
>> Bacula using 9.0.x and we hope to then use the build-pkg package to create
>> a package we can use. We're having success with this and have gotten Bacula
>> client 11 successfully built in Homebrew. We're now working to see if we
>> can compile an older version to avoid having to immediately upgrade our
>> directory to maintain compatibility. I don't expect we will have more
>> information on this until sometime next week. These suggestions we've
>> received from everyone have gotten us so much further along than we had on
>> our own. Thank you everyone who has so far given us advice on this!
> Homebrew is what I use. When I first started I was on Bacula 7.x, and I
> was able to build the right version by giving Brew a URL to the one I
> wanted, e.g.:
> brew install
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/d64d46de37997193263c8694739325428732a408/Formula/bacula-fd.rb
> (Don't use that one, it's v7.x, but it's an example.)
> I wrote an installer script that checked for Brew, installed if necessary,
> installed bacula-fd and its dependencies, and put in some custom firewall
> rules. I recommend this, it really makes things easier. I can share mine if
> you need a template.
> I also have a RunScript that will keep a machine awake until the backup is
> finished -- handy when using wake-on-LAN, since modern Macs go into
> "darkwake" and will sleep again after about 30 seconds if it's not disabled.

The newest Bacula Clients should use kIOPMAssertionTypeNoIdleSleep with
kIOPMAssertionLevelOn to prevent OS from sleeping. So external hacks should
not be required any more. :)

best regards
Radosław Korzeniewski
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