Was the mysql database for bacula 9 used in production, and/or is there
anything important in there? If not, remove the bacula 9 packages and
dependencies with the apt purge command (look up syntax). This will remove
configuration files and things created by the removed packages.

Might have to reinstall the bacula 9 packages then do a purge, can't recall
from when I encountered this.

If you have production data in the bacula 9 catalog, or need to retain an
unrelated mysql database better double check with the people here on this

Robert Gerber

On Tue, Jul 4, 2023, 6:49 PM Ken Mandelberg <k...@mathcs.emory.edu> wrote:

> Another followup. One thing I learned, I need to remove all the Ubuntu
> bundled bacula 9 packages before doing  the apt-get install bacula-mysql
> for the Community 13 release, otherwise there are package conflicts.
> So after removing the old packages, apt-get install bacula-mysql tires
> to install the mysql bacula database. It gets caught at
> mysql said: ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 9: Table 'TagJob' already exists
> I imagine if I removed that table it would just get caught at the next one.
> Its not really clear on how to proceed preserving the current database 9
> info and letting 13 do the update job.
> Ken Mandelberg wrote on 7/1/23 18:30:
> > This is a followup of my previous posts. I'm doing an upgrade from
> > Bacula 9 to 13 on Ubuntu 23.04. I realize there is no specific support
> > for 23.04 so I'm making believe I'm on Jammy.
> >
> > I've gotten past the apt-key issue and sources are set up, and apt-get
> > update has succeeded. Now my question is about the next step dealing
> > with the fact that this is an upgrade of a working Bacula 9
> > installation. (Don't worry, its really on a test machine before I try
> > it on a production machine).
> >
> > So I know I need to copy /etc/bacula to a safe place. Should I also
> > delete it?
> >
> > I will also stop director , sd, and fd. and move those binaries out of
> > the way.
> >
> > I'm running mysql. Should I do anything there to the existing bacula
> > data base?
> >
> > Assuming the answers to those the next stop is
> >
> > apt-get install bacula-mysql
> >
> > I would assume I then copy back the saved /etc/bacula back in place
> > and then start the new binaries.
> >
> > What about updating the mysql tables from 9 to 13? Where does that
> > happen.
> >
> > Sorry for all the needy questions. This is my first time not using the
> > bundled Ubuntu package support for Bacula  which handles updates
> > transparently. Debian/Ubuntu has no Bacula maintainer now.
> >
> > ---
> >
> > Side issue about the Documentation, what is the "concatenate" note
> > about. It makes no sense, deb would just be an ignored comment.
> >
> > Complete example:
> >
> > #Bacula Community
> > deb [arch=amd64]
> > https://www.bacula.org/packages/abc123defxxxyyy/debs/13.0.1 xenial main
> >
> > Note 1: please concatenate the last 2 lines into 1 line.
> >
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