On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 16:12:17 -0600, Susan Maneck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gilberto: So in which "directions" can the  meanings of the book be
> exhausted, and in which can't it?
> Dear Gilberto,
> What I'm suggesting is that there are endless depths to any true Word of
> God. But that doesn't mean that any particular Book can be expected to
> answer every question that will ever be asked.

Sure. I have a Christian friend with whom I often get into long
religious discussions. And one time he tried to argue that
Christianity is better and more complete than Islam essentially
because the Bible is a bigger book than the Quran. And he would go on
and on about how the Bible has everything you need. At that point I
would ask him whether his mom's phone number is also in the Bible. Yes
there are going to be specific pieces of information which are not
contained in whatever book but at the same time, the Quran says of

"We have not neglected anything in the Book,"

And I would say that the basic essentials are there, and the rest is
just detail.



"My people are hydroponic"

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