On Sat, 11 Dec 2004 09:12:05 -0600, Susan Maneck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "In the Bahai faith women
> can't participate in combat and can't be on the UHJ to make legal
> rulings,"

> That's true. As I said, even our scriptures have their limitations.

>  ""Even" in Islam women like Khadijah owned their own
> businesses, women led troops in battle, and women can study to become
> scholars and muftis and make legal rulings."

> The majority of Muslim scholars would insist that women leading troops into
> battle and making legal decisions binding on men is contrary to the
> Shar'iah.

Where are you getting that from? And can it be justified from the
Quran. Women can certainly be judges in the Hanafi madhab which is the
largest and the oldest of the four traditional sunni schools. And
historically Aishah led troops (although I remember that the last time
I mentioned that, you indicated you weren't a fan of hers). And she
was consulted as an authority after the passing of the prophet (ra).

> "If you think God is compassionate and just, and you believe that the
> Quran is the word of God, then you should be able to follow the Quran
> and treat women with compassion and justice. If you don't believe the
> conclusion I would have serious doubts about whether you believed the
> premises."

> I believe my premises not yours, namely that the Qur'an is the Word of God
> but not everything in it is applicable in this Day.

Aren't the premises I mentioned affirmed by the Bahai faith?




"My people are hydroponic"

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