Hello Gilberto and Mark,

Gilberto wrote:
In the Bahai writings I think Paul is described as a
>saint and an apostle and a most faithful servant of Jesus and his
>epistles are quoted from as well. I guess, that just implies a certain
>amount of respect but doesn't necessarily imply infallibility.

Ron replies:
In my opinion, "infallibility", when interpreted and understood in the English 
language with all of its connotations from Christian history, always, always, 
always causes the most major of problems. Again, in my opinion there are no 
such things as infallible understandings of any Writings. Having authorized 
interpreters does not eliminate this problem, since their authorized 
Interpretations (writings) also must be understood and interpreted.

Mark wrote:
"Regrettably, the particularized counsel furnished in the epistles 
traditionally attributed to the apostle Paul was, within a few centuries of his 
passing, inappropriately institutionalized and universalized into supposedly 
inerrant bedrock of faith. The main branches of Christendom were forever frozen 
in the past.
>>    "The Pauline letters should have been regarded as an example to believers 
>> who, like Paul, had spiritually experienced the risen Christ, or Inner 
>> Light, without having encountered him in the flesh. Then later Christians 
>> could have been 'Pauls' to their own nations and communities."
>> http://exemplars.bahaifaith.info/

Ron replies:
Yes, I think you make a very important point here, and one that needs to be 
heard by Baha'is today, in order to avoid making similar mistakes to the ones 
the early Christians made.

Statements by our Central Figures were often made to address particular 
circumstances, and yet we are inappropriately institutionalizing and 
universalizing them into supposedly an inerrant bedrock of general rules that 
are then applied literally under inappropriate circumstances, freezing the 
Baha’i community into rigid positions that are out of touch with current and 
future reality.

A great example of this, in my opinion, is the policy of Review. Another 
example is the electoral system, the minute and specific details of which are 
prematurely fossilized in a form appropriate to a smaller community of 50 years 
ago but wildly inappropriate to today and even more so in regards to the 


Ron Stephens

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