In this day and age, and from now on, religion is a choice. Maybe it wasn't this way when the Islamic armies swept across the middle of Eurasia. Maybe it wasn't this way in Medieval Europe when there was an Inquisition. But now, most people can choose to join any religion they want to, or no religion at all, with the exception of people in some Islamic countries. Baha'u'llah's rejection of the "sword" for promoting specific religious ideas goes along well with the new realities in the world; and I think the "sword" Baha'u''llah talks about includes unduly hard core verbal techniques of persuasion as well as actually physically violent ones.

To be honest with ourselves, there are no objective criteria to make a fail-safe choice of religion. There are many good religions available to choose from. And agnosticism is a fine choice also; after all, more harm has been done by religious institutions, groups and zealots than by any other category of people the world has ever known.

Personally, I like the perennial philosophy, but there is no logically sound reason why everyone else needs to affirm it. However, I also would like to be part of a religious tradition that is historically based. This brings one logically to the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the Baha'i Faith.

I find the Iqan to be the most persuasive of Baha'i texts. As Brent so cogently summarized, the Iqan offers many ways to recognize a "Manifestation" and I am taking the liberty to repeat it in full:

Brent Poirier writes:

As to the ways Baha'u'llah aids us in the Iqan to recognize the Manifestation, and whether logic is involved.

In my personal view, one needs to approach the Iqan without preconceptions as to what Baha'u'llah will offer as proofs. Instead, to see what He actually presents as proofs and arguments.

There are many such ways He presents of recognizing the Manifestation, or tools to recognize Him:

p. 6 Observe the character of the denials of those who oppose the Manifestation, this will increase our faith

p. 13 the prophecies of the former Manifestations foretelling one another

p. 14 Sanctifying our eyes, ears and hearts from whatever they have seen, heard and felt

p. 17 reading the authorized interpreters views of the Word of God

p 28 Listening with a humble mind to the Prophets' explanations of the Holy Books

p 42 understanding the symbolic meanings of the terms darkening of the sun and the moon, to see that the prophecies of the New Manifestation have been fulfilled

p. 49 observing that the Manifestation removes the veils of mystery from the words of God

p 52 pondering the Word of God

p 53 meditating on the lives of the Prophets

p 58 evaluating the claims of the Prophets with fair-mindedness and justice

p 66 signs in the visible sky

72 overcoming the "clouds" which block the vision, including the appearance of the Manifestations with human limitations

73 overcoming the objection that the Manifestations change the divine laws in every age

75 Recognizing the Manifestation by His own self

79 Realizing that those who have cleansed themselves of all human traits and limitations and adorned themselves with the divine qualities are a means by which truth is recognized and established

82-83 realizing that leaders of religion are not good guides to recognition of the new Manifestation due to their literal interpretation of the divine verses according to their own limited understanding

p 110 the spiritual sovereignty each Manifestation demonstrates is a sign of His Prophethood

112 observing the binding force that unites the followers of the Manifestation, and the dividing power that separates His opponents

120 possessing a pure heart

134 realizing that the Manifestation has the power to forgive sins

146 seeing that the learned have fallen and the ignorant have been raised up

147-148 reading the Qur'an to see what prevented the people from recognizing the Prophet Muhammad, and comparing those things to this Day, and what prevents the people from recognizing the Bab

156-7 observing the transforming impact of the Revelation on people's lives

160 observing that just as the companions of the Prophet Muhammad were willing to lay down their lives at His feet, the followers of the Bab were willing to do the same

162-171 not being prevented from recognizing the Manifestation by such terms as "first," "last," and "seal".

164-5 seeing with one's own eyes instead of through the eyes of the clergy

174 ponder the verses of the Holy Books with no desire other than to please God

177-182 recognizing the Manifestation, whatever titles He claims, whether Prophet, Messenger, Servant, Guardian, or Divinity.

187-190 being cleansed from the obscure knowledge that pretenders to knowledge claim

191-199 studying the Word of God with the qualities of a true seeker and not with human learning

Back to Ron's musings: This is a great list and I have studied it. There is no doubt in my mind that following the above recipe will help to bring about certitude. When I was 12 or so, I became a born again Christian. I am 52 now, and haven't been in the born again Christian mode for 35 years or so. But I know, to this day, that the feeling of certitude was the strongest force I have yet encountered, by many orders of magnitude. Despite my many doubts, when I decided to try total belief in a religion and in "Jesus" I was rewarded with feelings, certitudes etc that were beyond belief, and I was fortunate enough to have a like community with which to share the experiences. I could have gladly undergone martyrdom. I was ecstatic. I became a much better person. I was re-born.

Following the advice in Brent list above, I am sure one could have the same experience as a Baha'i convert that I had a as a Christian 40 years ago. But Brent left out something.

The same Iqan also, in numerous places, resorts to *logic* and "common sense* and *science* as prerequisites for recognizing a true Prophet. This is important.

Without the additional tools of logic, science, and common sense, if I adopted the long list of attitudinal prerequisites listed by Brent from the Iqan, I am equally sure that I could ecstatically embrace Christianity, Mormonism, Islam. Buddhism, Rev. Mopon's Unification Church, or even Thelema (benevolent Satanism???). In other words, if one preprograms one's mind to be accepting, suspend all doubts, one will embrace just about anything. Thats' why I was impressed that Baha'u'llah *also* *insisted* on the necessity for a Prophet's message being logical, in accord with science and common sense.

If one is not worried about logic, common sense and science, then why in the world would one object to the common understandings of Christ ascending in the clouds, coming again in the clouds, and being physically resurrected, as in traditional Christianity?

So, we cannot expect the world to convert to the Baha'i Faith becuase of necessity. We cannot preach hellfire and damnation for those who do not recognize Baha'u'llah. The same hell fire and damnation can convert them to Islam or Christianity or the Rev. Moon's Unificatiuon Church equally easily.

I myself, along with many Baha'is, am repelled by the kind of hard core hell fire preaching that is often resorted to by Baha'is. Better that we convince others of the positive possibilities of Baha'i, than by using techniques used and promoted to make us just like the other religions. For instance, we seem determined to glorify and worship our leaders just like the Catholic Church.

Baha'u'llah forbad, in His Most Holy Book, the kissing of hands. You know, we can make the Guardian's secretary a more authoritative voice than Baha'u'llah (as we so often do) but I insist that Baha'u'llah outranks anyone and everyone in our Faith, adn His Aqdas is His most authoritative Work; and in it He affirms in clear language that we are not to worship our leaders, that the kissing of hands is forbidden, and that No One , No one, shares with Him in the Most Great Infallibility. If we are going to claim to be a religion founded on the bedrock of Baha'u'llah, we cant overrule Him on these things. And what is this about praying to Shoghi Effendi? Is this approved? I have never prayed to anyone other than God.

The Baha'i Faith is not a New Religion to replace all old religions, (just like Christianity and Islam were at their inception). it is something different. At any rate, if we do not consort with all other religions with grace, we will not succeed. I have no interest in convincing others that their religion is kindergarten, old fashioned, or out of date. Let them see what the Baha'i Faith has to offer and join with us if they will, of thier own free accord.

Not even the most learned, sincere, and humble Baha'i can show anyone how and why the Baha'i Faith is *necessarily*, *logically*, and *incontrovertibly* superior to their old religion or that they must convert or else be outside of God's grace.

Brent also advised me, in the fashion so popular these days:

"""I would also like to draw attention to one element in particular in the guidance for the true seeker of certitude, given in the Iqan, and that is seeking right company:

"With all his heart he [the true seeker] should avoid fellowship with evil-doers". "He should treasure the companionship of them that have renounced the world, and regard avoidance of boastful and worldly people a precious benefit." (The Book of Certitude, p. 194).

Associating with people whose spiritual condition is harmful, will take you back two steps for every step you take forward. The House of Justice mentions this in one of its letters:

"There is one other condition which should be mentioned. There are
certain former Bahá'ís whose actions do not necessarily constitute
Covenant-breaking, but are seriously destructive. Where such people have shown that they are impervious to explanations or exhortations from the Bahá'í institutions, continued association with them can be burdensome and can exert a spiritually corrosive effect on the faith of believers. In such cases the Head of the Faith may simply advise the Bahá'ís to leave them to their own devices." (4 April 2001 message from the House of Justice to all National Spiritual Assemblies, posted to the Net at )"""

Ron's musing resume:
Brent, I do not know who, which people you are referring to. I can guess and surmise, in fact I of course do guess and surmise, how else can one respond to such a statement? Are Terry Culhane and Moojan Momen included in such an explanation to dis-fellowship? Or are they in some state above dis-fellowshipization, but not yet in good standing?

Speaking of which, Susan, you commented on the fact that I probably misunderstood the ideas of Moojan Momen (and Terry Culhane?) on a constellation of Faiths with the Baha'i Faith at the center, but with all the other religions affirmed and alive and breathing as a choir together, and also that I probably misunderstood the Universal House of Justices' opinions about the same. Well, could you fill me (and us) in? What are Moojan Momen's ideas, and what does the Universal House of Justice think and say about them, if anything? And where is Terry Culhane, is he OK? Is it OK to read his book, or is that anathema now? In what book or online resource does Moojan Momen or anyone else discuss how we can as Baha'is cooperate with other religions, rather then denigrating them and calling their adherents kindergarten students?

Is it possible to find passages in the Writings that encourage separatism, disunity, that sound anti-logic or anti-science? Yes, of course it is. And I can find numerous counter passages. It's a fool's game.

If we want for the Faith to have any chance of influencing the world and maybe even fulfilling its intended destiny, then we had best emphasize science, not anti-science; human intellect, not anti-intellectualism; and unity, confederacy and alliances amongst all religions, not Baha'i triumphalism; and the summary offered here is in harmony with the full spirit of the full Revelation and the full Writings, when taken as a whole.

It is very unfortunately that the Faith has seen so much divisiveness in its infancy. With the absolutely incredible overemphasis on Covenant Breakers; with the entire extended family and all the biological descendants of Baha'u'llah having been declared Covenant Breakers; and with Shoghi Effendi not having even one descendant thus able to replace him, it is perhaps understandable that it is as it is. But we had better be trying to move beyond all this. The future does not belong to a war between Covenant breakers and non-Covenant breakers. That way lies cult status for sure.

Emphasize the positive, or be ensured a negative future. Emphasize inclusiveness, or be assured of a divisive future. Emphasize science, intellectualism and logic, or be ruled by superstition, illogic, fear and cult status.

Yes, I know some will respond with passages of Writings that threaten doom if the world doesn't choose Baha'u'llah; and with words to the effect that God can do anything He wants and what seems impossible to men is possible to God. I respond in advance by saying Those passages are aimed squarely at You: God expects those who have accepted the Baha'i Faith to behave maturely, to not alienate others, to act with fairness and moderation, and to affirm the amity of religions and the unity of religious and scientific mind sets in this dawn of the maturity of the human race. To those who insist on a Superstitious trumping of science by the Baha'i Faith, who insist on a Triumphal Baha'i Faith instead of a humble one, who insist on a cult of personalities and institutions, instead of a religion of God: God will hold you accountable!

God helps those who help themselves.

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