The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> The creatures that serve their master-puppet, the so-called Ministry of
> Intelligence (now there's an irony! What a name for an organization that has
> no intelligence!), are trying to infiltrate all Baha'i lists and take over
> discussions.  Don't waste your time with them and don't let them on these
> lists.  It is the same idiotic things that they have been saying for decades
> taught by their masters in Qum and Mashhad and Najaf.

Dear Ahang,

There wasn't much discussion going on here in the first place. I have
no illusions as to this man's motives but on the other hand, he likely
has never been given access to the truth on these matters so if we
have the opportunity to supply him with it, I don't see why we should
not do so. At the point where it is clear he is listening to nothing
we are saying and ignoring the facts we provide him  and it is simply
becoming a distraction, we can always call a halt to the discussion.

warmest, Susan

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