The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> At the same time there are differences in understanding at multiple
> points. For example, you say you acknowledge the truth of Islam. And I
> accept that you are sincere. But a principle of Islam  which is a
> basic part of both Sunni and Shia belief is the idea Muhammad is the
> last prophet, which is something that the Bahai Faith rejects.

Dear Gilberto,

No one is suggesting that Muslims and Baha'is believe the same things.

> You say you believe the Quran is the authentic word of God and I
> accept that you are sincere. But the Bahai faith also teaches that
> Jesus is the divine son of God which blatantly contradicts a number of
> different passages in the Quran.

Baha'is don't believe in the incarnation which is what the Qur'an is rejecting.

> I don't; want to rehash old arguments and go back and forth on these
> points, but those are just two examples where what a Bahai might mean
> by saying "I believe in the Quran" is different from what a Muslims
> means by saying "I believe in the Quran".

In other words, we interpret it differently. So what?


> I think most communities, religious or otherwise have times and/or
> places which are just for ,members of the community. For a long time
> the Bahai 10-day feasts have been for Bahais only. Correct?

19 Day Feasts. These are restricted to Baha'is not because they are
particularly sacred (and therefore not to be profaned by unbelievers)
but rather because we discuss administrative affairs which we feel
ought not to be discussed in the presence of 'guests.'

 And the
> place I currently go to jummah turns out to be especially welcoming to
> Christians.

Yes, I've been in a number of mosques, the most important being the
Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest place for Muslims. Mecca and Medina are
the only places we can't go, and I don't begrudge Muslims for this.

warmest, Susan

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