The Baha'i Studies Listserv
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On Behalf Of Iskandar Hai, M.D.
Sent: 31 December 2010 06:26

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Dr Hai wrote:

I find the idea of "reconnaissance" missions, in 624, quite amusing to say the 
least. ***


khazeh fananapazir writes:

I am just a humble, lowly, insignificant reader of this list and that only from 
time to time.

I believe that the studies part of this list’s purpose has diminished 
exponentially recently. But I believe that Mr Gilberto Simpson should be kept 
as a contributor. So also should my dear Dr HAI. Gilberto knows (and I have, 
with the greatest respect, mentioned this to him ) that he should not 
re-iterate finality [khatmiyyat without engaging with all the Bahai Proofs on 
this just repeating and repeating. But of course, of course, my dear Gilberto 
is entitled to continue on his point of view re: khatmiyyat and khaatamiyyat. 
Religious views can be the most firmly held views on earth. I have friends who 
not just for ten years but for over thirty years insist on their own point of 
view re *seal-ship* and then suddenly they open themselves  lovingly to the 
Bahai Teachings, to Baha’u’llah and to appreciating this Day of God (Yawm 

In fact just last week I  met an Egyptian of great learning and erudition and I 
asked him: ** what made you go over the impassable bridge of verse 33:40 on to 
the Bahai? This so impossible bridge “a bridge to far” ** 

He replied that for over 30 years! he disputed and attacked the Bahai position 
with all the “weapons” in his “armamentarium” and then…and then…suddenly alone 
one night he wondered what was the connection what was meant to be the 
connection or relevance of the Holy Prophet’s Marriage to Zayd’s recently 
divorced wife Zaynab with finality of revelation?...because the first part of 
the verse is most clearly a reference to that person Zayd etc and the second 
part of verse 33:40 mentions (Khaatam)…


He followed his conscience on this…and studied Bahá’u’lláh’s Writings.

Further personally I (khazeh) have had a dream …I won’t mention the details of 
it but I did dream that a Holy Soul in Islam (I forget whether it was, I ask 
forgiveness of God!,  the Prophet HimSelf or one of the Imams said to me: ** 
Gilberto will come. Gilberto will see. Gilberto will appreciate the Faith. You 
have shown Gilberto love. It will not go wasted…) something like this. **


So let us all be respectful and continue genuine and in depth study.


For example and in all sincerity I ask has any one on this list read this book


Tolerance and coercion in Islam: 

interfaith relations in the Muslim tradition


 Yohanan Friedmann

 <> 1 Review

Cambridge University Press, 2003 -  
 Religion - 233 pages

Since the beginning of its history, Islam has encountered other religious 
communities both in Arabia and in the territories conquered during its 
expansion. Muslims faced other religions from the position of a ruling power 
and were therefore able to determine the nature of that relationship in 
accordance with their world-view and beliefs. Yohanan Friedmann's original and 
erudite study examines questions of religious tolerance as they appear in the 
Quran and in the prophetic tradition, and analyses the principle that Islam is 
exalted above all religions, discussing the ways in which this principle was 
reflected in various legal pronouncements. The book also considers the various 
interpretations of the Quranic verse according to which 'No compulsion is there 
in religion', noting that, despite the apparent meaning of this verse, Islamic 
law allowed the practice of religious coercion against Manichaeans and Arab 
idolators, as well as against women and children in certain circumstances.




But the only thing I beg of Gilberto Simpson is that he should not provoke 
simple and hopefully pure souls like me by writing *Haifan Baha’is* as in his 
letter of December the 21st **Naison, I don't think you got what I intended to 
say. Once you've chosen to be a Haifan Bahai, then by all means, make a 
commitment to follow all of the rules of the Aqdas and the guidance of the 

It is provocative a bit and it is not necessary

Your loving friend in His Path khazeh

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