Trims banget infonya for mbak lif

Lif Rahayu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Mbak Ella,

Roseola umunya menimpa anak di bawah usia 3 tahun, paling banyak di antara
usia 6-15 bulan, penyebabnya virus, biasanya dimulai dengan demam tinggi
(bisa sampai 39.5 deg C) antara 3-5 hari, kemudian tiba-tiba turun dan
muncul bintik2 merah, biasanya bintik2 merah dimulai di daerha muka/kepala
leher kemudian menjalar ke tangan2 dan kaki2. Bintik2 merahnya tidak
menggelembung dan tidak ada cairan di dalamnya. Bintik merahnya menjadi
putih jika disentuh/dipencet. Umumnya penderita roseola ini tidak tidak
terlalu rewel, makan minum masih lancar dan masih lancar ceria.

Bintik2 merah akan hilang dalam 1-2 hari, bahkan dalam hitungan jam ada
juga. Kalau anak saya dulu 2 harian. Karena penyebabnya virus, tidak perlu
antibiotika, cukup banyak istirahat dan makan minum.

Biasanya orang suka salah antara roseola dengan campak (measles), saya
sendiripun pernah bingung waktu Nayma kena, tapi toh campakpun treatmentnya
hampir sama, banyak minum dan makan yang bergizi dan dibuat senyaman
mungkin. Campak penyebabnya kan juga virus, kecuali jika ada komplikasi
dengan infeksi bakteri (biasanya terjadi kepada anak2 yang belum divaksin
campak) biasanya juga dgn bakteri penyebab pneumonia nih komplikasinya baru
deh perlu dirawat dan perlu antibiotika.

Banyak dibahas di homepage kayak atau,
saya ambil dari yang
Roseola Related concepts:
Exanthem subitum, Human herpesvirus 6, HHV-6, Sixth disease

After several nights of watching their
toddlerwith a
fever , the parents notice a red
rashcovering his body. Is this a
sign of trouble? Or is it good news?

What is it?
*Roseola* is a mild viral illness with
a fever followed by a rash. Before the 20th century, children with roseola
were lumped in with those with measlesor
rubella or scarlet
It wasn't until 1913 that this specific syndrome was recognized,
distinguishing from the others as a benign, self-limited disease occurring
almost exclusively in young children.

It is caused by human herpesvirus 6
(HHV-6) or occasionally by human herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7). While the disease
has been recognized for almost century, HHV-6 was discovered only in 1986,
and HHV-7, in 1990. Roseola is also called *roseola infantum* (because it
occurs mostly in infants ), *exanthem
subitum* (meaning "sudden rash"), and sixth disease (because it was the
sixth of the similar childhood rash infections to be described). It is one
of the classic childhood exanthems .

Who gets it?
Almost all cases of roseola occur in children before their third birthdays.
The peak age is between 6 and 15 months. Healthy babies are born with
protective antibodies from their mothers, but these begin to disappear when
the baby is 4 to 6 months old. By 15 months, most babies have protective
antibodies that they have made themselves. These will last a lifetime.

Fewer than half of children ever get roseola. Nevertheless, almost all
children have had HHV-6 infections by age 3. For the majority, who never get
the rash, the HHV-6 infection usually causes a fever, perhaps with other
symptoms. It is a common cause of baby's first
HHV-7 follows a similar pattern, but the time sequence is more spread out;
most children have become infected before middle

What are the symptoms?
Classic roseola features a high fever (average 103°F) that lasts for 3 to 5
days (worse at night). Most children behave normally, even with the high
fevers . In most, the fever ends
abruptly, although it can disappear slowly over a day or so. A rash appears
within hours of the fever subsiding. The rash is rose-colored, as the name *
roseola* suggests. The rash may be present on the upper arms, legs, and
face, but is most prominent on the neck and trunk, where it usually begins.
It consists of numerous, small (2- to 5-mm), slightly raised spots that
blanch when pressed. The rash does not itch and does not cause
The rash typically lasts for 24 to 48 hours. Sometimes the spots coalesce
before the rash disappears. In some children, the rash may be fleeting—gone
in minutes or hours.

The most common complication is
seizuresat the beginning of the
high fever in a small number of children. These febrile
seizures are scary to parents but are

Is it contagious?
Once people have been infected with HHV-6 or HHV-7, the
virustypically stays in their
bodies for the rest of their lives. Antibodies
prevent them from getting sick again themselves, but they can infect others.
Most infected adults have the viruses in their
Children typical get roseola from close exposure to caregivers who are
themselves well—not from being around sick children or adults. Once exposed,
the incubation period is 5 to 15 days.

How is it diagnosed?
Roseola is usually diagnosed based on a classic history and physical exam.
During the days of fever, before the rash appears, lab work may be needed to
rule out other problems. Once the rash has appeared, the diagnosis is
usually clear. Sometimes it is confused with rubella, measles, scarlet
fever, fifth disease , or drug
reactions (especially if children have been started on an
antibioticduring the fever).

How is it treated?
Antibiotics do not help. No treatment is needed in otherwise healthy
children, except perhaps for acetaminophen or ibuprofen to lower the fever
or increase comfort. Antiviral agents are available for those rare children
who need them.

How can it be prevented?
There is no clear way to prevent roseola. There is no reason to exclude
children with the roseola rash from daycare
Related A-to-Z Information:
Exanthems (Childhood rash) , Fifth
Disease , Human
Measles , Rubella (German
Scarlet Fever Alan Greene MD FAAP

2008/4/23 Ella Zuyuna :

> Mbak lif...
> Bisa jelaskan tentang roseola..
> Thanks
> Ella
> Lif Rahayu 
> Mbak Ella dan yang lainnya,
> Nayma pernah kayak gitu, panas 3 hari, kemudian hari ke-4 turun, kemudian
> muncul deh bintik2 merah, kena roseola ternyata. dalam 3 harian ilang
> bintin merahnya. Jadi merah-merahnya memang muncul bukan karena alergi
> makanan tapi memang karena perjalanan roseola begitu. Sudah dishare oleh
> mom
> Uci ya.
> Demam berdarah tidak ada obatnya, jadi jika kekhawatiran terkena demam
> berdarah, langkah pertama adalah segera berikan banyak cairan.
> Demam berdarah biasanya hari ke-4 memang demam mulai turun tapi lemas dan
> pusing luar biasa, jadi anak gak mungkin deh ceria kalo kena DB. Demam sih
> enggak tapi pusingnya gak nahan deh....
> Kayaknya sih gak kena DB atau alergi makanan, tapi kena roseola. Kecuali
> kalau anaknya menjadi lemas dan gak bergairah, walau demam turun, baru
> curiga ke DB dan gak ada salahnya test darah (langusng aja ke lab, minta
> test darah lengkap plus antigen dengue, total kira2 300 ribu).
> best regards,
> Lif Rahayu
> 2008/4/23 Ella Zuyuna :
> > Cepat bawa ke Dokter aja dech...
> > Memang sich kalo panasnya bisa turun setelah dikasih penurun panas
> > kemungkinan bukan DB atau typoid.Bisa jadi infeksi.Tapi koq ada merah2
> > ya...atau bisa jadi alergi makanan.
> >
> > Murniati Syam wrote:
> > Segera bawa ke dokter mom....
> > Jangan di Sepelekan..., Takutnya DB
> >
> > Coba Cek giginya mungkin juga mo tumbuh Gigi,
> > Si Alief(1th3bln) juga 2 minggu lalu deman, setela di cek ternyata
> > Gusinya tumbuh...
> >
> > Best Regards
> > Murniati Syam Fitri
> > Panasonic ideas for life
> > SMT Traineer, PSECB2
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Elis Murti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 10:53 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [balita-anda] demam..bintik-bintik merah
> >
> > mom's help me dong..
> > anakku Ian (1 th 2 bln) sejak sabtu panas tinggi (sampai 39,5 der),
> > aku kasih dia obat penurun panas, berhasil turun beberapa saat tapi
> > panasnya naik lagi. kondisi itu sampai minggu malam. Hari senin seharian
> > nggak panas, jadi nggak minum obat penurun panas sama sekali. Selasa
> > sore aku lihat dari muka sampai kaki muncul bintik-bintik
> > merah...lumayan banyak dan kembali panas (tapi nggak sepanas hari
> > sabtu), kembali aku kasih minum obat penurun panas. Sampai sekarang
> > belum aku bawa ke dokter karena ngliat anaknya nggak rewel dan tetep
> > ceria. Kira-kira kenapa ya? mohon pencerahannya dong.
> >
> > thx sebelumnya...
> >
> > regards
> >
> > elis
> >
> >
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