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Question: When will my child know his colors?

Answer: Your child's ability to recognize different colors heats up at
around 18 months, the same time he begins to notice similarities and
differences in shape, size, and texture. Then it will be a while longer
before he's able to name the colors - most children can name at least one
color by 36 months. In the meantime, though, he'll love to practice, adding
new colors to his repertoire. And he may surprise you by knowing and
identifying colors even if he can't name them verbally. When you're out and
about, play pointing and matching games. Say, "I see a red flower" and wait
before pointing to it to see if he points first. If he's wearing a blue
shirt, ask him if he sees anything else around him the same color. Toddlers
love looking at picture books of objects organized by shape and color. Start
by asking him to identify things nonverbally; say, "Can you show me the red
square?" and let him point to it. As he begins to learn the names of the
colors, you can reverse the game, pointing to objects yourself and asking,
"What color is this triangle?" Either way, he'll delight in showing off his
knowledge. When he's wrong, don't correct him (or pretend he's right) but
instead say the correct name in an encouraging tone.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ade Novita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] mengenal warna

> o gitu ya? thank you ya mbak..jadi agak legaan deh.. tadinya aku ngeri
> gara dia suka nonton tv terlalu dekat jadi matanya terganggu.

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