Yoi... Jangan pake proris dulu....
Susanna Oktavia®
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Prudential, Always Listening Always Understanding

-----Original Message-----
From: hesty.wicaks...@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 11:52:15 
To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Tanya obat penurun panas anak
Umur brapa mbak ?
Sebaiknya insyaAllah aman pakek yg isinya paracetamol/asetaminofen mbak bisa 
te*pr*, san**l, 

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-----Original Message-----
From: dewi.setianing...@axa-mandiri.co.id
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 17:11:03 
To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
Subject: [balita-anda] Tanya obat penurun panas anak
Dear BA

Mau tanya untuk obat penurun panas..untuk merk proris bagus tidak ya Bunda 


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