Ini linknya. Makanya tadi saya nanya, itu kulkas 1 atau 2 pintu, kalau
freezer di kulas 2 pintu, itu bisa tahan 3 bulan. Tapi kalo satu pintu,
hanya 2minggu saja.
 Storage Duration of Fresh Human Milk for Use with Healthy Full Term Infants
  Location Temperature Duration Comments Countertop, table Room temperature
(up to 77°F or 25°C) 6–8 hours Containers should be covered and kept as
cool as possible; covering the container with a cool towel may keep milk
cooler. Insulated cooler bag 5-39°F or -15-4°C 24 hours Keep ice packs in
contact with milk containers at all times, limit opening cooler bag.
Refrigerator 39°F or 4°C 5 days Store milk in the back of the main body of
the refrigerator. Freezer Store milk toward the back of the freezer, where
temperature is most constant.  Milk stored for longer durations in the
ranges listed is safe, but some of the lipids in the milk undergo
degradation resulting in lower quality. Freezer compartment of a
refrigerator 5°F or -15°C 2 weeks Freezer compartment of refrigerator with
separate doors 0°F or -18°C 3–6 months Chest or upright deep freezer -4°F
or -20°C 6–12 months Reference: Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine.
(2004) Clinical
Protocol Number #8: Human Milk Storage Information for Home Use for Healthy
Full Term Infants [image: Adobe PDF file] [PDF-125k][image: External Web
Princeton Junction, New Jersey: Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine.

2011/10/31 <>

> Tul mbak miko
> Tp freezer yg kulkas 2 pintu ato deep freezer
> Kalo kulkas 1 pintu emang cuma 2 minggu (sorry lupa link nya)
> Aku ngalamin kok smpet buang 14 botol , nyesek banget
> Skarang sya nyewa freezer khusus, bs nyetok 75 an botol
> Sama ama mb miko,Kalo bayinya minum terus, susuin aja pake PD kanan , PD
> kiri diperah
> Sesi minum selanjutnya PD kanan diperah, PD kiri diminum langsung
> Smoga brguna yak
> Thanks
> Dian
> Sent from my HP Jadull
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Miko" <>
> Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 16:40:20
> To: <>
> Reply-To:
> Subject: Re: [balita-anda] menyimpan asi
>  Mba Yanti n mba dian..
> ASI dalam frezer tahan 6 klo ga salah.. cek google deh or mba uci yg ahli
> dlm asi bisa menjawab lebih fasih..
> Dulu gw Key n Ken 1.5 bln aja gw dah nyicil mba.. klo malam pas mrk abis
> nenen, gw peres payudara yang satu.. trus tengah malam pas mrk dah
> disusuin,
> peres payudara yg satu lagi... n itu semua tdk boleh dipake kecuali urgent
> hehehe.. soalnya gw nyotock tuk klo dah kerja..
> caranya biar semuanya tahan or ga mubazir.. ya  tiap botol dah gw takar2xin
> sesuai anak2x minum brp ml biasanya... jadi frezer pernuh dgn botol.. :))
> pernah denger kan cerita pramugari yg melalang buana stock ASI? klo blom
> google deh..
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "minnie centil" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 3:26 PM
> Subject: [balita-anda] menyimpan asi
> >
> >
> > hi all...
> > mungkin hal ini pernah d bahas, semoga tdk bosen ya menjwbnya..
> > mom..
> > sy lg berusaha nabung asi sbelum masuk kerja lg
> > Asi sy simpan d frezzer.. n sy cm punya kulkas 1 pintu.. bagusnya itu
> > kulkas tdk automatic defroze
> > nah..problemnya ada di pembersihan.. ketika kulkas hendak d bersihkan,
> itu
> > ASI gmn ya???
> > sy sempat pindahkan k kulkas ortu, tpsdh mengalami pencairan krn sdh d
> > keluarkan dr kulkas 25mnt-an.
> > lalu kembali lg dibekukan. apa Asi rusak???
> > lalu, bgmn baiknya jika kulkas hendak dibersihkan??
> > trims
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