Oh, oke, saya baca imel yang pertama, disebutkan hanya 1 pintu, jadi ya
bener, cuma tahan 2 minggu, kalau based on link CDC di bawah ini.

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 4:44 PM, Nay Kim Kim <lifrah...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ini linknya. Makanya tadi saya nanya, itu kulkas 1 atau 2 pintu, kalau
> freezer di kulas 2 pintu, itu bisa tahan 3 bulan. Tapi kalo satu pintu,
> hanya 2minggu saja.
> http://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/recommendations/handling_breastmilk.htm
>  Storage Duration of Fresh Human Milk for Use with Healthy Full Term
> Infants
>   Location Temperature Duration Comments Countertop, table Room
> temperature (up to 77°F or 25°C) 6–8 hours Containers should be covered
> and kept as cool as possible; covering the container with a cool towel may
> keep milk cooler. Insulated cooler bag 5-39°F or -15-4°C 24 hours Keep
> ice packs in contact with milk containers at all times, limit opening
> cooler bag. Refrigerator 39°F or 4°C 5 days Store milk in the back of the
> main body of the refrigerator. Freezer Store milk toward the back of the
> freezer, where temperature is most constant.  Milk stored for longer
> durations in the ranges listed is safe, but some of the lipids in the milk
> undergo degradation resulting in lower quality. Freezer compartment of a
> refrigerator 5°F or -15°C 2 weeks Freezer compartment of refrigerator
> with separate doors 0°F or -18°C 3–6 months Chest or upright deep freezer -4°F
> or -20°C 6–12 months Reference: Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. (2004) 
> Clinical
> Protocol Number #8: Human Milk Storage Information for Home Use for Healthy
> Full Term Infants [image: Adobe PDF file] [PDF-125k][image: External Web
> Site 
> Icon]<http://www.bfmed.org/Resources/Download.aspx?Filename=Protocol_8.pdf>.
> Princeton Junction, New Jersey: Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine.
> Available
> 2011/10/31 <dinovian...@gmail.com>
> Tul mbak miko
>> Tp freezer yg kulkas 2 pintu ato deep freezer
>> Kalo kulkas 1 pintu emang cuma 2 minggu (sorry lupa link nya)
>> Aku ngalamin kok smpet buang 14 botol , nyesek banget
>> Skarang sya nyewa freezer khusus, bs nyetok 75 an botol
>> Sama ama mb miko,Kalo bayinya minum terus, susuin aja pake PD kanan , PD
>> kiri diperah
>> Sesi minum selanjutnya PD kanan diperah, PD kiri diminum langsung
>> Smoga brguna yak
>> Thanks
>> Dian
>> Sent from my HP Jadull
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: "Miko nasut...@bukopin.co.id" <m...@bukopin.co.id>
>> Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 16:40:20
>> To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
>> Reply-To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
>> Subject: Re: [balita-anda] menyimpan asi
>>  Mba Yanti n mba dian..
>> ASI dalam frezer tahan 6 klo ga salah.. cek google deh or mba uci yg ahli
>> dlm asi bisa menjawab lebih fasih..
>> Dulu gw Key n Ken 1.5 bln aja gw dah nyicil mba.. klo malam pas mrk abis
>> nenen, gw peres payudara yang satu.. trus tengah malam pas mrk dah
>> disusuin,
>> peres payudara yg satu lagi... n itu semua tdk boleh dipake kecuali urgent
>> hehehe.. soalnya gw nyotock tuk klo dah kerja..
>> caranya biar semuanya tahan or ga mubazir.. ya  tiap botol dah gw
>> takar2xin
>> sesuai anak2x minum brp ml biasanya... jadi frezer pernuh dgn botol.. :))
>> pernah denger kan cerita pramugari yg melalang buana stock ASI? klo blom
>> google deh..
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "minnie centil" <minnie_cen...@yahoo.com>
>> To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
>> Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 3:26 PM
>> Subject: [balita-anda] menyimpan asi
>> >
>> >
>> > hi all...
>> > mungkin hal ini pernah d bahas, semoga tdk bosen ya menjwbnya..
>> > mom..
>> > sy lg berusaha nabung asi sbelum masuk kerja lg
>> > Asi sy simpan d frezzer.. n sy cm punya kulkas 1 pintu.. bagusnya itu
>> > kulkas tdk automatic defroze
>> > nah..problemnya ada di pembersihan.. ketika kulkas hendak d bersihkan,
>> itu
>> > ASI gmn ya???
>> > sy sempat pindahkan k kulkas ortu, tpsdh mengalami pencairan krn sdh d
>> > keluarkan dr kulkas 25mnt-an.
>> > lalu kembali lg dibekukan. apa Asi rusak???
>> > lalu, bgmn baiknya jika kulkas hendak dibersihkan??
>> > trims
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