DEar Mamanya Armando..,
Kayanya mengenai papsmear baru aja dibahas deh minggu lalu, pengalaman saya 2 
kali papsmear dua duanya dilakukan setelah 6 minggu melahirkan, 

ini ada sedikit  informasi ttg papsmear


 PAP Smear Exams
Approximately 50 million women have their Pap Smears annually. However, many 
women do not understand the purpose of the Pap Smear. To add to the confusion, 
there are new technologies available today that have never before been 
available. Hopefully, after reading this, some of your questions or fears may 
be answered.

The Pap Smear was first described in 1943, and has since been used in ever 
increasing numbers. The Papa Smear is an evaluation of cells collected from the 
cervix. Both the external, or visible part, and the canal of the cervix are 
sampled. The cells are spread on the slide and permanently fixed. The slide is 
then sent to a pathologist to review for any abnormal cells that may be 
precancerous. It is credited with decreasing the rate of cervical cancer by 
50-70% in the last 50 years. Ideally, if all women had their paps as currently 
recommended, cervical cancer would be eliminated, much like the use of vaccines 
have virtually eliminated certain illnesses such as smallpox. However, it is 
estimated that just over half of women in the United States have their yearly 

We recommend that women begin their yearly Pap Smears when they turn 18 or 
earlier if they are sexually active. Yearly exams are recommended even for 
women in their menopause. If you have ever had an abnormal Pap, we may 
recommend more frequent exams. Pap Smears are even recommended for women who 
have had a hysterectomy. The timing of the exam with your cycle is important 
and should be performed when you are not on or close to your period

Some new technologies are now available. You have probably seen these 
advertised in popular magazines and newspapers. Several computer screening 
services have been developed in the last few years. These services currently 
reveal only normal Pap Smears and re-screen them with a computer to see if any 
abnormal cells are found. If any abnormal cells are detected by the computer, 
those slides are re-reviewed by a pathologist. Therefore, a person is still 
ultimately reviewing your Pap. These methods are more costly and are rarely 
covered by insurance companies.

Another new service is called Thinprep Pap. The difference between this and the 
current Pap is simply the way the cells are placed on the slide. The cells are 
collected in the same way, and reviewed the same way, but the cells are placed 
on the slide differently to avoid clumping and mucous. This aids the 
pathologist in reading your smear and should decrease the number of times the 
pathologist cannot see abnormal cells. Once again, this procedure is more 
expensive than routine Pap Smears and may not covered by your insurance.

The bottom line, we highly recommend the Pap Smear. We feel it is a good, 
reliable, cost-effective, possibly life-saving test. We have confidence in the 
laboratories where our Pap Smear slides are reviewed. We urge all women to have 
their yearly paps. If you have more questions regarding some of the new 
technologies we will be happy to discuss this with you at your annual checkup.
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