pak e1....salah salah salah
ingus ijo tidak berarti bakteri.....
Do I need an antibiotic when mucus from the nose changes to yellow or green?
Yellow or green mucus does not indicate a bacterial infection. It is normal for the mucus to get thick and change color during a viral cold.
Should I ask my doctor to prescribe antibiotics?
Talk to your doctor about the best treatment. You should not expect to get a prescription for antibiotics. If you have a viral infection, antibiotics will not cure it, help you feel better, or prevent someone else from getting your virus.

Is Green Mucus More of a Concern than Clear Mucus?

In most cases, green or yellow nasal mucus (usually found toward the end of the cold) is no more contagious than clear mucus and may be even less contagious. The runny nose usually starts with clear mucus, which then becomes whitish or greenish as the cold dries up and gets better. This happens because as the body mounts its defense against the virus, white blood cells enter the mucus and color it. Usually the colored mucus comes in smaller amounts and is thicker, a sign that the cold is "drying up" and ending.

Antibiotics for a Green Runny Nose? Q. Is a 6 month old baby too young to take antibiotics? That is what I was told by a pediatrician in my home town... I would have to let my little girls flu just ride itself through. She has green mucus and was diagnosed with a redness in her throat. I was told it was an upper respiratory infection. Veronica, El Paso, TX A. Antibiotics, when needed, can be used at any age. In fact, some newborns are prescribed antibiotics as soon as they are born. So she isn't too young for antibiotics, although that doesn't mean she needed one.

It does sound like she has a simple viral upper respiratory tract infection, which may cause a cough and green runny nose for a week or two. Since it is a virus, antibiotics won't help fight the infection, and your Pediatrician is right that your baby will have to just get over it on her own.

Remember that green mucus doesn't mean that a child has a sinus infection or needs antibiotics.

Instead, doctors suspect a sinus infection when a child is sick with a green runny nose for more than 10 to 14 days or if they have a high fever for more than 3-4 days and appear to be ill.

dan masih banyak (bisa ratusan kali) artikel sejenis ini....

----- Original Message ----- From: "Iwan/Finance Dept" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Help..infeksi tenggorokan

Kalau anak mau tau pilek/batuk/radang tenggorokan kr virus atau
virus+bakteri, lihat aja warna reak/dahaknya, kalau masih putih artinya gak
ada bakterinya, tp kalau udh hijau pasti ada bakteri & emang perlu AB.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Patty Haris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 9:24 AM
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] Help..infeksi tenggorokan

Mosly infeksi (radang tenggorokan) pada bayi itu disebabkan virus.
Kalo virus kan tidak perlu AB.
Saya bingung nih apa hubungan obat yang dimasukkan ke dubur ama radang
tenggorokan ???
Apa mungkin anak mbak udah beberapa hari ga pup sehingga dimasukkan obat
dalam duburnya untuk memancing dia pup.
Soalnya my Viany kalo udah 5 hari ga pup biasanya bibirnya suka merah &
kadang2 suka agak2 sumeng tapi setalah dia pup semuanya itu hilang.
Panas itu kan diciptakan Tuhan untuk menghalangi virus yang masuk dalam
tubuh sehingga si virus/kuman tsb bisa mati.
Kalo my Viany (kebetulan dr hari minggu saya juga radang nih) radang
tenggorokan biasanya saya kasih dia air rebusan kacang hijau & minum air
putih yang banyak trus makanannya ditingkatkan lagi gizinya kalo sanino
masih asi ya kasih asi terus ya.. biasanya sembuh sendiri kok tanpa
mengkomsumsi obat2an.

Patty -Viany's Mom-

>From: Enni Purwanty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [balita-anda] Help..infeksi tenggorokan
>Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 09:22:31 +0700
>mams & paps...
>Kemaren sanino (5bln) panas sampe 38,9 c (tp masi gulang-guling&
>ketawa/i)... sebelumnya saya udah coba berbagai teknik dr BA untuk
>panas, dr kompres,mandi air anget smp transfer panasnya ke saya...tapi
>tdk turun2.Padahal waktu panasnya 38 lgs saya kasih tempradrop tapi >malah
>naik. Akhirnya pas ke dsa dikasi obat lewat dubur alhamdulilah turun.
>dsa infeksi tenggorokan dan dikasi puyer, ada ABnya, tp kata dsa >dosisnya
>dikit. Pas pulang saya ragu2 mo kasih puyernya, saya terapi uap juga ga
>membantu, trus akhirnya saya kasih juga obatnya kr sore badannya masi
>(kuatir klo panas lagi, saya suka panik duluan klo sanino panas)
>Yg saya tanyakan :
>1. Apakah treatment saya sdh benar? knp panasnya tdk mau turun pdhl sdh
>dikasi tempradrops?
>2. Sanino sebelumnya cuma batuk2 (kayak keselek) & ga sering, paling pas
>tengkurep. Kita pikir dia mainin batuknya (suka begitu), karena klo
>diperhatikan suara batuknya ga berdahak kok, Jadi gmn proteksinya spy ga
>tiba2 infeksi. Anak saya klo sakit pasti lgs infeksi, jadi pasti butuh >AB
>3. Bgm treatment selanjutnya? puyernya terpaksa hrs dihabiskan donk.
>Sekarang alhamdulilah sudah baikan, tp maknya ms deg2an :(((
>Maaf curhatnya kepanjangan. Mohon pencerahannya.
>Kirim bunga,
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