Dear Pak Agus,
Memang seberapa besar file-nya? semua ISP kayaknya membatasi
pengiriman/penerimaan email. Kalau di IPTN besar mail+attachment 2
MB. Jika memang lebih dari 2 MB saya punya s/w buat split-nya besarnya
cuma 360 KB dalam zip file. Jika Pak Agus butuh nanti saya kirimkan japri. 


Irwan setiawan

On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Stefanus Agus Sudaryono wrote:

> Yth para netter.
> Saya sudah coba kirim email dengan attachment software Femta, tapi
> kelihatannya ditolak oleh adminstrator karena terlalu besar. Yang
> berminat saya akan coba kirim melalui Japri. Tetapi ini lah sekilas info
> mengenai software FEMTA. 
> NB: Saya tidak ada hubungannya sama sekali dengan pembuat software ini,
> shg tidak ada niatan utk promosi. Saya hanya concern pada para ibu yg
> takut efek negatif KB obat.
> ==========================================
> FEMTA v1.10
> Authors: Ljubov, Oleg and Nikita Lisovsky.
> Copyright (C) 1999 Oleg Lisovsky.
> All Rights Reserved.
> ==========================================
> Description
> -----------
> Femta is an application for women. It contains a lot of useful
> possibilities, 
> which help you:
> * Plan your sexual life and use the natural method of contraception.
> Femta 
> calculates the probabilities of becoming pregnant for every day and
> displays 
> them in the charts and calendar.  You can easy view and determine the
> "safe" 
> and "unsafe" periods. 
> * Keep the track of your cycles. With Femta you can easy record all your
> periods: menstruations, pregnancy and childbirth, lactation.
> * Plan your family and control the conception of your child. You can use
> Femta to avoid or for achieving pregnancy.
> * Determine the estimated date of childbirth.
> * Plan the gender of your future child. Using Femta you can increase the
> probability to conceive the child with the desired sex.
> * Predict future cycles, making it possible for you to plan
> menstruation-free 
> important events, such as vacation, trip or travel, wedding and others.
> Femta allows you to view conveniently all the data in the calendar and 5
> types 
> of charts, contains a lot of settings for displaying of data, includes
> other 
> great features, such as Wizard, Print Preview, context sensitive help
> etc.
> It is very easy-to-use, configurable, well-designed, high-quality
> application.
> Documentation
> -------------
> For full documentation, including context sensitive help, press the F1 
> key at any time while Femta is running.
> Installation, Uninstallation, Upgrade
> -------------------------------------
> Unzip archive, then you only need to run the Femta.exe and follow the 
> directions given in the screen. The automatic installation procedure 
> will copy all the necessary files to the specified directory and create 
> the shortcut for the program. 
> If you want to upgrade Femta to the newest version then save your Femta
> database, uninstall Femta and install new version of Femta.
> You can uninstall Femta from the Control Panel Add/Remove Applications 
> window. Activate the Control Panel, double click Add/Remove Programs,and
> double click on the Femta list box entry.
> Requirements
> ------------
> Femta is 32 bit Windows application.It requires Windows 95, 98 or
> Windows 
> NT 3.51 or higher.
> When installed it occupies about 1 Mb of the disk space.  
> We recommend You to use the display resolution at least 800x600 and 
> hi-color(16 bit) or true color (24 or 32 bit) video mode.
> Licensing information
> ---------------------
> Femta is not free software, nor public domain software.  Authors made it
> by their investment and spent a lot of their own time.  The unregistered
> version of Femta available to you for free evaluation.  You are entitled
> to evaluate the software for up to 50 days without obligation to pay. 
> Within 50 days, if you decide to keep the software, You must register
> your 
> copy with us for a small fee (at the moment of writing this text it is
> $18).
> Evaluation (non-registered) Femta is a "full-featured" release.  It
> means 
> that the same features (capabilities) of Femta available in the
> registered 
> software are present in the non-registered software.  It allows you to
> try 
> out all the features in Femta to confirm that they work to your
> satisfaction. 
> But the non-registered software has a one limitation: You cannot get a 
> printed copy of the calendar or charts that you can see in our great
> Print 
> Preview. 
> In fact, the non-registered software includes a bonus feature - the nag
> box.  
> This is an added incentive for users to register the software rather
> than 
> to continue using it too long without paying.
> You may register Femta online, by toll free phone (USA), by fax or by
> mail.
> To register Femta you can use Registration Wizard or Order page of our
> Web 
> site.
> Distribution
> ------------
> This software may be freely distributed, provided that:
> 1. Such distribution includes only the original archive supplied by
> authors.
> You may not alter, delete or add any files in the distribution archive.
> 2. The distribution does not includes a registration code. In
> particular, 
> you may not distribute a registered version of Femta.
> Contact
> -------
> Web   :
> Kunjungi:
> "Untuk mereka yang mendambakan anak balitanya tumbuh sehat & cerdas"
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