rekan rekan,
ada ngga daftar profesional di milis ini,
seperti ibu A, dokter anak,
bapak B, psikolog

seperti mama Dafi ini dokter ya, sepertinya menguasai sekali ttg kesehatan
si kecil.

jadi kita bisa tau kalau dengar pendapat, apa itu pendapat profesional atau


----- Original Message -----
From: mamanya Dafi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Gondongan

> Ibunya Wibi,
> Gondongan itu nama lainnya Mumps. Untuk yang masih di
> bawah 2 tahun atau yang belum pernah kena perlu
> divaksin MMR agar tidak tertular. Tetapi karena Wibi
> sudah kena ya tinggal dijaga saja kondisinya agar
> tetap fit. Karena gondongan itu karena virus jadi
> obatnya pun hanya mencegah efek samping yang lain
> (panas, deman, nyeri, dll) sedangkan penyembuhannya
> tergantung dari daya tahan anak. Saya sendiri kurang
> tahu mengenai khasiat blau dan cuka, tapi tanpa
> dioleskan dengan itu pun dalam 2 minggu sudah akan
> sembuh karena masa sakitnya memang sekitar waktu
> tersebut. Di bawah ada artikelnya, jadi untuk Asa
> mumpung masih ada waktu sempatkan untuk di vaksin ya
> bu.
> Mamanya Dafi
> What is mumps?
> Mumps is a highly contagious disease caused by
> infection with a virus. Infection with the mumps virus
> results in tenderness and swelling of the salivary
> glands in the cheeks and neck. Rare complications
> associated with mumps infection include inflammation
> of the brain (encephalitis) and of the tissues
> covering the brain and spinal cord (meningitis). Other
> complications observed with mumps include deafness,
> arthritis, and inflammation of the testes, kidney,
> pancreas, or thyroid gland. Although anyone can get
> mumps, the greatest risk of infection occurs among
> unvaccinated school age children. Mumps occurs more
> often during the winter and spring.
> How do you get it?
> You get mumps by direct exposure to saliva from
> persons infected with the mumps virus.
> What are the symptoms of mumps?
> The symptoms include fever, swelling, and soreness of
> the salivary glands in the neck region (most often at
> the area at the lower jaw near the ears). Swelling of
> the testes occurs in up to 25% of males who get the
> disease after puberty. About one third of persons
> infected with the virus do not show any symptoms.
> When do symptoms start?
> The symptoms usually start 18 days after infection
> with the virus, but the onset can range from 12 to 25
> days .
> What is the treatment for mumps?
> Currently, there is no specific treatment for mumps.
> Management of patients with mumps consists mainly of
> ensuring adequate intake of water and food, bed rest,
> and aspirin for fever control.
> If you get it once can you get it again?
> No. A person develops lifelong protection after having
> the disease once.
> Is there a vaccine for mumps?
> Yes. The mumps vaccine is given as measles/
> mumps/rubella (MMR) shot at 12 to 15 months of age.
> Should a person with mumps be excluded from school or
> work?
> Yes. A person with mumps should not be allowed to
> attend school or work for 9 days after the onset of
> symptoms. The contagious period extends from 1 week
> before onset of symptoms to about 9 days after onset.
> A person with mumps is most contagious 48 hours before
> symptoms start.
> How can you keep from getting it?
> The best way to keep from getting mumps is to get
> vaccinated at the recommended age.
> Women who are pregnant, and those with severe egg
> sensitivity should consult their physician about
> whether they should be vaccinated.
> --- Arief Andrianto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Saya pernah kena penyakit itu.
> > Waktu itu saya pake blau biru yang untuk nyuci baju
> > dicampur cuka.
> > Diseka di sekitar tempat yang sakit
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Kusumorini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 3:05 PM
> > Subject: [balita-anda] Gondongan
> >
> >
> > > Dear netters,
> > > Mungkin ada rekan netter yg tahu ttg penyakit
> > gondongan. Penyebabnya,
> > > pengobatannya(yg tradisional kalau ada) dan
> > pencegahannya. So'alnya anak
> > > saya, Wibi - 5 tahun, saat ini sedang menderita
> > sakit tsb. Kaya'nya sih
> > > ketularan dari anak tetangga. Sa'at ini di sekitar
> > rumah saya ada 3 anak
> > yg
> > > menderita penyakit itu. Badannya panas tingggi dan
> > lehernya membengkak.
> > Oleh
> > > assistant saya (Yg katanya pernah sakit gondongan
> > juga) leher anak saya
> > > diolesi dgn blau (bener nggak sih, nulisnya) dan
> > asam jawa. Emang udah
> > saya
> > > bawa ke dokter dan dikasih antibiotik. Tapi
> > kaya'nya enggak ada perubahan
> > > tuh, tetep aja panas dan bengkak sejak 2 hari yg
> > lalu. Kaya'nya saya juga
> > > bakal ketularan nih, dari tadi pagi badan saya
> > udah meriang plus
> > tenggorokan
> > > sedikit di bawah telinga, agak sakit kalau
> > ditekan.
> > > Tolong infonya ya, saya lagi bingung nih. Anak
> > saya kalau sakit jarang
> > > mengeluh, paling cuman diem aja. Tapi kali ini,
> > dia sampe nangis sambil
> > > bilang, sakit bu....sakit..
> > > Kalau udah gitu, yaa....ikutan nangis
> > deh.....habis enggak tau mau di
> > > apain....8-(
> > >
> > >
> > > Salam,
> > > Kusumorinie (Ibunya Wibi & Asa)
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