Mbak Vika,
Saya cari-cari artikelnya kok agak susah ya. Cuma
dapat 1 ini (dari drkoop). Beberapa tahun lalu kan
pernah ada wabah Ebola di Afrika, kaget juga denger
berita anak mbak kena virus itu. Yang namanya virus
biasanya menular, untuk itu mbak perlu ketemu sama
dokternya untuk bertanya sejelas-jelas tindakan apa
yag harus dilakukan agar tidak menular atau minta tes
lagi, soalnya penyakita ini kan adanya di Afrika.
Artikel ini mungkin bisa membantu. Semoga Rafi cepat
sembuh ya.

Mamanya Dafi

Progress in Developing Ebola Vaccine
Reuters Health Information March 5, 2000 -- 
Scientists are a step closer to creating a vaccine,
possibly a treatment, for Ebola infection, the deadly
hemorrhagic fever that has sporadically appeared in
some African countries. 
There is currently no effective treatment or a vaccine
against Ebola, which kills between 50 percent and 90
percent of its victims. 
Experts have questioned whether it is possible to
vaccinate against Ebola virus. The virus kills
quickly, making it hard to tell whether patients'
immune systems ever launch a defense against it. Now,
researchers at the U.S. Army Medical Research
Institute of Infectious Diseases in Frederick,
Maryland,report that they have found antibodies that
can ward off Ebola in mice. Some
of the antibodies also worked when given after the
mice were exposed to the virus, according to a report
in the March 3rd issue of Science. 
The antibodies in question are monoclonal antibodies,
which are antibodies aimed at a particular antigen or
protein target. The Army researchers chose to study
antibodies that would bind to proteins that dwell on
the virus' surface. These proteins, called
glicoproteins, are the only proteins known to exist on
the surfaces of both the virus and the cells they
infect. In an interview with Reuters Health,
immunologist and lead researcher Mary Kate Hart said
these proteins are likely responsible for allowing the
virus entry into body cells. 
Hart's team found that the antibodies adhered to five
specific regions of the Ebola glycoprotein; one of
these regions exists in all of the Ebola variants
known to infect humans. Yet it is unclear, Hart said,
whether her study's antibodies are effective against
all of the variants. 
Hart said the next step will be to see whether the
antibodies protect nonhuman primates against Ebola.
The goal, she said, is to create a vaccine for people
in areas where the virus strikes. 
Ebola was first identified in 1976 during outbreaks in
Zaire and Sudan; the last major outbreak occurred
again in Zaire in 1995, when the disease struck 315
people, killing 244. Symptoms start with sudden fever,
sore throat, and aches and pains before progressing to
vomiting, diarrhea, and bleeding into the skin and
internal organs. Only isolated cases and some small
outbreaks occurred between 1976 and 1995, and Hart
said no one knows where Ebola hides in the interim
between epidemics. 
Experts believe that Ebola outbreaks begin when a
human comes into contact with an infected animal. The
infection can then spread from human-to-human through
contact with blood or body fluids from an infected
Much research remains before a human vaccine or
treatment for Ebola is found, but, according to Hart
and colleagues, the current study shows that it is at
least possible. 
The study results demonstrate "that antibodies are a
feasible option for the design of safe and
standardized treatments for Ebola infections," the
researchers conclude. 

SOURCE: Science 2000;287:1664-1666 
--- Vika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anak saya Rafi / 2thn 9bln sudah dari hari sabtu
> kemarin dirawat di hermina bekasi. Anak saya
> buang-buang air dan beberapa kali muntah sehingga
> mengalami dehidrasi dan harus dirawat. Pada awalnya
> saya pikir diare biasa, tetapi dua hari yang lalu
> dokter bilang disentri dan pagi ini dokter bilang
> anak saya terserang virus ebola. Hari ini sudah
> boleh pulang tetapi dokter minta hari Jumat untuk
> mengirim feces-nya kembali untuk dicek.
> Mohon informasi (terutama dari para dokter), saya
> perlu penjelasan mengenai virus ini (saya tidak
> sempat bertemu dokternya). Apa penyebabnya, dan
> apakah menular (karena Rafi punya adik bayi / 9 bln
> dirumah). Apakah ada efek nantinya ?
> Salam 
> Mamanya Rafi & Fira

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