Mbak Vika, 
Syukurlah kalau memang salah. Kalau rotavirus, nggak
usah terlalu khawatir, menurut penelitian hampir semua
anak di bawah usia 5 tahun pasti pernah kena diare,
penyebabnya terbesar karena rotavirus. Virus ini
biasanya menyerang anak usia 6 bulan sampai 2 tahun.
Di Amerika ada vaksinnya, namun berita terakhir
katanya ditarik lagi. Ini beritanya, namun kalau ada
netter yang tinggal AS mohon infonya tentang update
berita ini.

Mamanya Dafi

I keep hearing about rotavirus. What is it?   
Rotavirus is a bug that causes gastrointestinal
infections in children and adults. Most children get
these infections several times before starting school.
The resulting illness can range from a mild upset
stomach to diarrhea so severe that the child must be
hospitalized for dehydration. The American Academy of
Pediatrics reports that each year up to 50,000
children and adults are hospitalized because of the
virus, and 20 to 40 people die from it.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a
rotavirus vaccine in fall 1998. It reduces both the
likelihood of contracting the virus and the severity
the disease in children who do become infected. 

I heard there was a vaccine for this illness, and then
I heard it was recalled. What's going on?

The vaccine was approved by the FDA in September 1998.
The AAP issued a policy statement in December of that
year, recommending that the vaccine be administered
orally to infants at 2, 4, and 6 months of age.
In July 1999, however, the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention reported a rise in the number of cases
of intussusception — a type of bowel obstruction
— among children in the first few weeks after they
received the vaccine. Intussusception occurs when part
of the bowel folds into itself, forming a tube.
Full-blown cases are characterized by severe,
intermittent abdominal discomfort, alternating with
periods of comfort, and sometimes blood and mucus in
the stools. In response to this preliminary data, the
AAP is calling for temporary suspension of use of the
rotavirus vaccine.
In a press statement the AAP states, "Clinicians
temporarily should suspend administration of rotavirus
vaccine to unimmunized and partially immunized 
children, pending collection and evaluation of
additional information."
For more information, check with your child's
healthcare provider to see what his or her
recommendations are. 

--- Vika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mohon maaf, ada kesalahan teknis.
> Ternyata virus yang dimaksud adalah virus ROTA bukan
> ebola.
> Ibu saya yang berada dirumah sakit salah dengar.
> Jadi sekali lagi mohon
> maaf.
> Ada yang bisa sharing mengenai virus ini ?. Terima
> kasih atas perhatiannya.

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