Saya cari dari beberapa sumber tentang virus ini.
Ternyata virus ini sudah ada tahun 50 an dan memang
tempat penyebarannya di Afrika dan Asia termasuk
Saya cuplikkan dari artikel tersebut :

Chikungunya virus

CHIK is responsible for extensive Aedes
aegypti-transmitted urban disease in cities in Africa
and major epidemics in Asia. The crippling arthralgia
and frequent arthritis that accompany the fever and
other systemic symptoms are clinically distinct.
Several other togaviruses of the alphavirus genus
(Ross River, O’nyong-nyong, etc) have been associated
with a similar syndrome. CHIK activity in Asia has
been documented since its isolation in Bangkok in
1958. Other countries which have reported CHIK
activity include Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Sri
Lanka, India, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

CHIK virus is transmitted in the savannahs and forests
of tropical Africa by Aedes mosquitoes of the
subgenera Stegomyia and Diceromyia. Aedes aegypti is
an important vector in urban epidemics in both Africa
and Asia.

CHIK infection has a somewhat different picture in
younger patients. Arthralgia and arthritis occur but
are less prominent and last a shorter time. Rash may
be less frequent; but in infants and younger children,
prominent flushing and early appearance of
maculopapular or urticarial eruption may be a useful


Supportive care with rest is indicated during the
acute joint symptoms. Movement and mild exercise tend
to improve stiffness and morning arthralgia, but heavy
exercise may exacerbate rheumatic symptoms. In
unresolved arthritis refractory to aspirin and
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, chloroquine
phosphate (250 mg/day) has given promising results.

Untuk lengkapnya silakan ke site berikut :

Mamanya Dafi

--- Kanti Laras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kalau dari gejalanya, dugaan sementara adalah
> penyakit yang disebabkan virus
> Chikungunya. Kebetulan kantor saya dan Depkes
> (Dirjen Pemberantasan Penyakit
> Menular) sedang mengadakan penelitian di Bogor
> menegenai kasus tsb. tetapi
> pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk memastikan penyakit
> tersebut belum selesai.
> Memang penyakit ini seperti flu dan akan sembuh
> sendiri.
> Kalau benar memang penyakit karena Chikungunya,
> penyebarannya adalah melalui
> nyamuk. Jadi mungkin pencegahannya bisa dengan
> memakai kelambu untuk
> menghindari penularan.
> Semoga membantu
> mamanya Dino

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