> Anak saya Fabian sudah berumur 8 bulan, tapi dia belum bisa merangkak
> (Jawa: mberangkang) dan maunya selalu dipegang posisi berdiri, trus
> kakinya digoyang2kan spt sedang belajar jalan.
> Kata orang ada juga bayi yg tidak melalui tahap merangkak dahulu, tapi
> langsung berdiri trus jalan.

Pak Widharma Yth,
Saya forwardkan juga info tentang "crawling".
Semoga berguna

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Crawling: A necessary skill?

Question: My 11 month old is not crawling yet. Instead, he scoots along on
his bottom. He looks as though he may go straight to walking. While I am
pleased that he is making the effort to move independently. Is crawling a
necessary skill?

Answer: Crawling is not a true milestone because all children do not go
through this stage. Many babies start crawling between seven and ten months
of age. This may come in the form of the typical forward alternating
movements of the arms and legs. Others may be more adept at traveling
backwards primarily because their arms are more coordinated than their
legs. However, the drive to move about and experience the world is a strong
one. Scooting on the bottom, sliding on the knees, moving sideways and
rolling about on the floor are all effective ways to venture out. 

If you look at most formal developmental milestone and learning scales, you
will find that crawling is left off of them. This is due to the wide range
of times when babies may learn to crawl. And in fact, there are a good
number of them who never learn the typical crawling motion because they got
comfortable with some other method of locomotion. This has led to a number
of myths concerning babies who go right to walking before ever learning to
crawl. One popular myth is that these babies will grow up to be wildly
adventurous and difficult to handle presumably because they "skipped" the
crawling step. Other ones involve problems with learning later in life. On
the other hand, another myth states that these children grow up to be more
intelligent presumably because they didn't "need" the crawling step. All of
these are untrue. 

Your baby's curiosity about moving around should be fostered by playing
with him. Enticing him to get from one place to another develops body
strength and social interaction. If he manages to navigate without
crawling, that's okay. The child who does not crawl and is developmentally
appropriate is at no greater risk for learning disabilities than the child
who crawls.

(Robert Steele, a board certified pediatrician at St. John's Regional
Health Center in Springfield, MO.)

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