Bruce Bagemihl
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Bruce Bagemihl, PhD., is the author of the controversial book
Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity. The
book argues that homosexual and bisexual behaviors are common among
animals and proposes a theory of sexual behavior in which reproduction
is only one of its principal biological functions. Bagemihl proposes
that group cohesion and lessening of tensions, seen for example among
bonobos, are other important functions of sexual behavior.

He served on the faculty of University of British Columbia, and
Biological Exuberance was cited in the U.S. Supreme Court case
Lawrence v. Texas as evidence that homosexual behavior is
natural.[citation needed]

[edit] References

[edit] External links

    * Article about Bagemihl's work in the german weekly newspaper
"Die Zeit" (in german only)

Another site (English)

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