Hi Jörg,

> > I work with the actual betas
> thank you for using and testing the nightly builds!
Sometimes they are a little tricky. I didn't got one of the last Windows
Client working.

> > and found one point with the new configuration schema:
> > If you install Bareos, it creates a set of default configuration
> > files. That's really good to begin with bareos.
> > But if you work with your own file names like "servername-fd.conf"
> > and not "bareos-fd.conf" and you delete the file "bareos-fd" it
> > will be new generated if you run an update of Bareos. That's really
> > bad, every time after an update Bareos doesn't work any more :-( As
> > a workaround I truncate the not needed files with an "#" in it.
> That absolutely true, and it is even documented (since beginning of
> this week), see
> http://doc.bareos.org/master/html/bareos-manual-main-reference.html#Subd
> irectoryConfigurationScheme,Resource file conventions, Disable/remove
> configuration resource files.
> While I agree, that this is an unwanted effect, it got the benefit,
> that you can check in your running system if a resource config file
> come from a bareos package and is it modified (when using rpm packages).
> When this feature is wanted (I like it), you get the described effects.
I don't think so because automatic implementation of new features or
configuration changes brake often existing configurations.
They should only implemented manually after review.

> > I think it's better to generate only the standard directories
> > without files and a default set of configuration files with a
> > little documentation in an extra example directory structure.
> The other feature is, that subpackages can bring additional
> configuration, like tape backend, webui and others.
> When this feature is wanted, your approach unfortunately do not work.
Here the same... nothing is bad like a crashed system and you search a
unwanted change.
They should only implemented manually after review.

> You see, there is a trade-off between the positive and negative effects.
I don't think so because the goal is a running system under each condition.
If I make an update and nothing work any more after this, horrible!

> > One other questions... what's the reason for the directory
> > "bareos-dir-export"?
> When using the new bconsole command "configure add client ...", it
> creates the client resource file for the director.
> However, it also creates the director resource for the corresponding
> bareos-fd.
> So
> configure add client name=client2−fd address= password=secret
> creates
> /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/client/client2-fd.conf (which is
> automatically loaded into the director)
> and
> /etc/bareos/bareos-dir-export/client/client2-fd/bareos-fd.d/director/bar
> eos-dir.conf
> (which you have to manually transfer to the corresponding system client2
For this I use an ansible script.



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