>From the deep and faded, dusty vaults of my memory, I seem to recall reading
that Kuhnau bought two Gallichon's for St Thomas's in Leipzig, which were
still there when Bach took the post. Is that right, or am I drifting
helplessly towards senility? 


Interesting point about the similarity of tuning, Martin. I never thought of








From: Martyn Hodgson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 25 November 2007 16:49
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'baroque Lutelist'
Subject: Re: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Dm continuo - Narvey article online



Note that the top three courses of the D tuned Gallichon/Mandora are the
same as this 'german' theorbo in Dm.  Coincidence? - maybe, since the large
A tuned Gallichon (string length c 95cm) seems to have been the usual
professional continuo instrument of this family with the smaller instruments
(say mid 60s - mid 70s) being amateur instruments. Advantage of the G/M is,
of course, a fully chromatic stopped (ie no over-ringing) bass from D (or A,
for the large instrument).  Kuhnau thought they were ideal, especially for
ensuring the bowed basses entered on the beat.................


Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Jurek. It seems that a few players use dm tuning for continuo. I once
saw Imamura accompanying singers on a 13c lute. It sounded great. But so far
I haven't seen anyone perform in dm without the chanterelle, as mentioned by
Baron. Apart from Tim Burris and now Benjamin Narvey, who else does?



-----Original Message-----
From: Jerzy Zak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 25 November 2007 00:58
To: baroque Lutelist
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Dm continuo - Narvey article online

> Thanks to Benjamin for such an interesting article. Hopefully it will
> stimulate discussion here. Does anyone play continuo on baroque lute?

If it's not strictly Italian (and sometimes even then) I play continuo 
on d-m more often then on any other lute. For German music seems the 
most obvious, for an ''archlute music'' the sound efect is almost the 
same -- just personal choice (and joy).


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