file we have been testing on the "Rgn R²" column should be column number 
  32 and the mapping to use \32\.
hum... rather 33, I think (it was 33 in Base 1.2).
Does the column numbers start at 0 or at 1 ?
If they start at 1 it is 33

Sorry to bother you, but  I still have a problem (not sure it is related to this point, however):

when I try to import the file I sent to you, I get an error.

Error: Item not found: Reporter[externalId=SMa1894] on line 31: 1 1 1 SMa1894 24...

I do not understand the error: he says he cannot find the reporter, but he displays SMa1894 which is the reporter ID.
Did I do anything stupid ?


Here is the stack trace generated:

net.sf.basedb.core.BaseException: Item not found: Reporter[externalId=SMa1894] on line 31: 1 1 1 SMa1894 24...
at net.sf.basedb.plugins.AbstractFlatFileImporter.doImport(
at net.sf.basedb.core.PluginExecutionRequest.invoke(
at net.sf.basedb.core.InternalJobQueue$
Caused by: net.sf.basedb.core.ItemNotFoundException: Item not found: Reporter[externalId=SMa1894]
at net.sf.basedb.core.RawDataBatcher.doInsert(
at net.sf.basedb.core.RawDataBatcher.insert(
at net.sf.basedb.plugins.RawDataFlatFileImporter.handleData(
at net.sf.basedb.plugins.AbstractFlatFileImporter.doImport(
... 4 more

and here are the plugin parameters:

Job parameters

Default error handling fail
File /home/manu/raw data/genepix/H058446.txt
Missing a required value
Reporter not found
Invalid numeric value
Numeric value out of range
Raw bioassay T0-T2 058446 - manu.s1.r1
String too long

Plugin configuration parameters

Parameter version 15 (15)
Block \Block\
Column \Column\
Data footer
Data header \QBlock Column Row Name ID X Y Dia. F635 Median F635 Mean F635 SD B635 Median B635 Mean B635 SD % > B635+1SD % > B635+2SD F635 % Sat. F532 Median F532 Mean F532 SD B532 Median B532 Mean B532 SD % > B532+1SD % > B532+2SD F532 % Sat. Ratio of Medians Ratio of Means Median of Ratios Mean of Ratios Ratios SD Rgn Ratio Rgn R\E.\Q F Pixels B Pixels Sum of Medians Sum of Means Log Ratio F635 Median - B635 F532 Median - B532 F635 Mean - B635 F532 Mean - B532 Flags\E
Data splitter \t
Header (.+)=(.*)
Max data columns 0
Min data columns 0
Background pixels \B Pixels\
Channel 1 background mean \B532 Mean\
Channel 1 background median \B532 Median\
Channel 1 background standard deviation \B532 SD\
Channel 1 foreground mean \F532 Mean\
Channel 1 foreground median \F532 Median\
Channel 1 foreground standard deviation \F532 SD\
Percent saturated pixels \F532 % Sat.\
Percent pixels within 1 standard deviation \% > B532+1SD\
Percent pixels within 2 standard deviations \% > B532+2SD\
Channel 2 background mean \B635 Mean\
Channel 2 background median \B635 Median\
Channel 2 background standard deviation \B635 SD\
Channel 2 foreground mean \F635 Mean\
Channel 2 foreground median \F635 Median\
Channel 2 foreground standard deviation \F635 SD\
Percent saturated pixels \F635 % Sat.\
Percent pixels within 1 standard deviation \% > B635+1SD\
Percent pixels within 2 standard deviations \% > B635+2SD\
Spot diameter \Dia.\
Foreground pixels \F Pixels\
Flags \Flags\
M value
Standard deviation of ratios \Ratios SD\
Rgn R2 \33\
Rgn ratio \Rgn Ratio\
Raw data type genepix
Reporter ID \ID\
Row \Row\
Remove quotes true
X \X\
Y \Y\

Emmanuel COURCELLE                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
L.I.P.M. (UMR CNRS-INRA 2594/441) tel (33) 5-61-28-54-50
B.P.52627 - 31326 CASTANET TOLOSAN Cedex - FRANCE

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