
Thanks to the developers for the excellent database software. I love basex having used it on windows desktop for some little database-driven projects, but now, I'd like to deploy it in the context of a web application, if possible.

So I read everything I could find about the topic but didn't find a step-by-step guide of how to accomplish it.

I'm not familiar with java, but I tried to deploy the downloadable BaseX war application on Appfog services, and also using Openshift with Tomcat 7.

On Appfog, the process of installing the war file (which seemed to be straightforward) didn't complete and generated a java console error.

(cf http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12283448/deploy-simple-java-web-application-on-appfog)

And on OpenShift, the process of uploading the war file succeeded, the console stating that the build was successful, but when going to the URL of the application, the server generates an internal error HTTP status 500...

(cf https://www.openshift.com/kb/kb-e1088-how-to-deploy-pre-compiled-java-applications-war-and-ear-files-onto-your-openshift-gear)

From there, I don't know what to do next, but would really like to get a basex web app up and running and interacting with it through the HTTP REST API.

Thanks for any help in this regards.

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