On 9/15/2015 10:47, Rick Moen wrote:
Quoting Glenn Glazer (glenn.gla...@gmail.com):

>Yes, I could run my own mail server.  Given how I value my own time,
>I consider the ROI of such an effort extremely low as compared to
>the occasional irritation of a free service.
Yes, I have to say, the extreme suffering and constant, unremitting work
endured by those of us with our own independent, completely automated
servers on throwaway hardware are things you should admire and be
astonished at, from afar.  I don't know how we endure it, not to imagine
how we manage to put up with a dearth of nosy corporations deep in our
personal affairs.

I guess we're just saints and martyrs.  But we're saints and martyrs for
_you_, Glenn.

Meanwhile, enjoy being the product rather than the customer.

Really, Rick? Hyperbole and sarcasm? If you are trying to persuade me of something, you are going about it in exactly the wrong way.

I didn't say /you/ shouldn't run your own mail server, do what you want with your own time. Just don't assume that your preferences for your One True Way are Always Correct For Everyone.

Life is about tradeoffs: you prefer absolute control and are willing to do whatever homegrown work to do it. Great for you! I (and many others) prefer a different tradeoff that involves spending exactly zero time and zero cost on mail servers in exchange for some loss of configurability. Neither is right or wrong in the same way that flavors of ice cream are neither right nor wrong.

/De gustibus non disputandum est/.



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