On Wed, 29 May 2024 at 17:57, McIntyre, Eric <eric.mcint...@hpe.com> wrote:

> I don’t know enough about SVGs to be able to see anything wrong with those
> bar charts. I was hoping someone here could tell me what’s happening. Is
> the SVG invalid? Does it use some part of SVG that’s unsupported by Batik?
> Is there a bug in Batik?
I can say that they render ok on Firefox and Safari, and in Inkscape, but
do not on an old (1.8) version of Batik I had on my mac - therefore I agree
with you it's either a bug or an unsupported feature. I will see if I can
get any further if I have time. Is there any way to simplify the bar charts
to get to a more minimal non-rendering SVG?

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