FYI I just saw your attempted fix in the bug thread.

I personally think that is a terrible idea to add hacks/work arounds to
partially fix the invalid content.  It is helpful to tell people their
content is invalid and ideally where and why - doing partial work arounds
for invalid content IMO does no-one any favors - it's adding complexity and
still going to lead to failures in other areas that are likely going to be
harder to find/debug/explain.

  If you feel that single precision float is too limiting it would be much
better to try and migrate everything to double precision - but I suspect
that would be a long road.

On Fri, Jun 7, 2024 at 9:12 AM Thomas DeWeese <>

> Any content that uses values outside of the range specified to be
> supported by the standard is relying on undefined behavior so from a
> compliance perspective the renderer is free to do whatever is convenient
> for it.  I agree that someone should notify XChart that their generated SVG
> is not spec compliant (at least with 1.1).
> As for what it would be nice for an implementation to do, it would be nice
> if it gave clear warnings/errors that the content is not compliant with the
> specification and thus may render incorrectly.
> Batik does it's own number parsing (it was substantially faster than the
> built in float parsers at the time) so that might not even be that hard to
> do.
> On Fri, Jun 7, 2024 at 7:13 AM Peter Hull <> wrote:
>> On Wed, 5 Jun 2024 at 23:30, Thomas DeWeese <>
>> wrote:
>> > Unless stated otherwise for a particular attribute or property, a
>> <number> has the capacity for at least a single-precision floating point
>> number and has a range (at a minimum) of -3.4e+38F to +3.4e+38F.
>> What's your feeling on what should happen for a number outside this
>> range? Ideally I suppose every implementation should give the actual
>> range it supports and what happens to out-of-range values. Which seems
>> unlikely to happen.
>> This clause from the standard would be useful to tell XChart that
>> their code generates SVG that is not guaranteed to be handled by every
>> standard-compliant implementation.
>> Peter
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