On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Kai Großjohann wrote:

> I'm still not sure how to deal with ChangeLog files and CVS.  In my
> little mini-project I have recently tried to do `C-x 4 a' to add
> information to the ChangeLog file, and then I tell PCL-CVS to use the
> ChangeLog entries as default for the commit messages.  This appears to

Well, I actually have a few projects (mostly science-related) that use
ChangeLogs for elaborate descriptions of changes, and short phrases to give
the idea into cvs.
If you look for some special version to check out, the short phrases are
enough. If you would like to search for changes that introduced bugs (or the
other way around), you might end up looking through ChangeLogs for quite a
But then you don´t need net-access to get an ChangeLog, while you do need it
for a full cvs-log (even if you keep the heads in the source).

> Maybe you should just try out both and then decide which one is used,
> and then everybody uses that method on BBDB?  

That's for sure a good way to go, I'd agree.
My personal preference, as stated above, is to make the ChangeLog the primer
source of information.


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