The new VM 5.41 doesn't work correctly with bbdb's mail-abbrevs.el in emacs
v18, because the latter checks for the current mail map being
mail-mode-map. Now VM uses its own vm-mail-mode map.

The following lines in the mail-abbrevs code give the problem:

;    (or (and mail-mode-map (eq (current-local-map) mail-mode-map))
;       (error "shut 'er down clancy, she's suckin' mud"))

(without the comment, that is).

I commented these out and the thing seems to work again, although I have my
suspicions. The problem might be that mail-mode-map is nconced to
vm-mail-mode-map and is changed by bbdb. 
Piet* van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University,
Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Telephone: +31 30 531806   Uucp:   uunet!ruuinf!piet
Telefax:   +31 30 513791   Internet:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (*`Pete')
X-400: G=Piet;S=van.Oostrum;OU=cs;O=ruu;PRMD=surf;ADMD=400net;C=nl;

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