>>>>> "Jack" == Jack Twilley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>>>> "J" == Jack Twilley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
J> I'm new to SyncBBDB and PilotManager, and I have a few questions.
J> I've forgotten how to hide certain fields from display.  I'd love
J> to make "pilot-id" go away.  Can someone tell me what I need to
J> tweak?

J> Also, I have a record that has Home and Office information for
J> phone and address, and SyncBBDB created two Palm-side entries for
J> this.  I'd like to make this not happen, and I've done everything
J> up to and including removing all records of the individual and
J> rebuilding their BBDB record by hand.  Every time I get to having a
J> phone and an address for Home and for Office, I get two different
J> Palm-side records.  How do I make SyncBBDB only create one
J> Palm-side entry for this?

>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas E Deweese <Thomas> writes:

Thomas> It is unclear if you want both addresses in one Palm record or
Thomas> you only want one of the two addresses sent to the Palm.

Jack> I want both addresses in one Palm record.

Thomas> if you edit the pilot-id by hand you can tell SyncBBDB not to
Thomas> sync the second address,

Jack> This is an unacceptable solution, as I need all the contact
Jack> information in the BBDB record in the Palm, or else I wouldn't
Jack> put it in the BBDB.  What good is it to not have my friend's
Jack> work contact information if I need to call him at work?  What
Jack> good would it be to not have my boss's home contact information
Jack> if I have to call him at home?

Jack> [...]

Thomas> If you want both stored in one palm record, uhh find another
Thomas> sync tool, I consider this approach a hack job.  I'd be
Thomas> delighted if plam updated the address book app to support
Thomas> multipled addresses (or in BBDB terminology 'locations) per
Thomas> 'person' but since it doesn't I consider this the proper way
Thomas> to deal with the issue.

Jack> That's a remarkably inflexible position for an application
Jack> author to take.  

    I really don't mean this to be inflexible or stubborn but SyncBBDB
is not what I get paid to do, and I _really_ do consider it a major
hack job.  I really don't want to have to write fuzzy parsing code
just so I can try (often unsucessfully) not to completely mangle your
BBDB record when you try and add some information to your note on the
Palm. It's just a loosing proposition, and beside the technical issues
of dealing with user edited junk, I _really_ strongly prefer the
current setup.

Jack> I consider the approach of making multiple records for a single
Jack> individual to be worse than a hack job as it totally skews the
Jack> meaning of the records and makes incorrect assumptions.  A
Jack> one-to-one correlation between BBDB records and Palm address
Jack> book entries makes a lot more sense to me, as it is not uncommon
Jack> for me to have more than one set of phone and address for
Jack> coworkers (and family and close friends).  

      I also regularly have multiple phone and address entries for
coworkers and friends and family.  This is why I did this (trust me
maintaining a many to one relationship is _MUCH_ more work than just
slamming everything into the note field).

Jack> But just because I have Home contact information for people does
Jack> not mean they are in the Personal category, it just means I have
Jack> Home contact information for them.  
      Sure, it doesn't mean that they _must_ be in the personal
category but some of my entries _are_ because I have personal
relationships as well as work relationships.  Not possible if
everything is crammed into one record.

Jack> I don't need to tell you how ugly it would be to have multiple
Jack> records in the same category for the same person, do I?

      Why is this so ugly?  I set the overview field to be the phone
who's location matches the address's location for that record.  So I

  Thomas DeWeese (XXX) XXX-XXXX H
  Thomas DeWeese (YYY) YYY-YYYY W

    If I really want to know where I live I click the 'H' one, if I
really want to know where I work I click the 'W' one.

    It is really quite nice.  

    Also (from your comments below) you might not have noticed that as
much as possible SyncBBDB will put all phones/email/fax in all
records.  So in most cases you can get to both home and work phones in
both Palm records, thus in most uses it doesn't even matter which one
you click on - if the default didn't do this because it ran out of
fields you can edit the pilot-id thingy to change the mapping to
include the five you want (or seven if you map to the custom fields)
(I still really need to get around to writing e-lisp for manipulating
the pilot-id thing)..

Jack> With all due respect, it would probably help more than one user
Jack> of your software for you to consider adding functionality to
Jack> support a one-to-one record-to-entry relationship, with the
Jack> additional address information stored in the Notes field, and
Jack> completely populating the available contact information fields.

    Since you don't seem to care that all the semantics of the
information is lost when you cram it into the note field on the Palm,
why don't you just cram the 'extra' information into the note field on

Probably Answer: because that would be a hack job :)

Jack> If this is something that truly goes against your address book
Jack> philosophy, then I'll probably have to hack up your wonderful
Jack> code to add this functionality and then post it here and
Jack> elsewhere for other people who might want to use it.

      Well first I'll have to put a real GLP license on it (something
I've been meaning to do anyway).  If you can make it a clean patch I
might consider including it, but you probably wouldn't want to do that
anyway since all my documentation would talk it down :)

      Sorry I can't/won't be of more help here.  Good luck.


Jack> Jack.  (you should also respect X-Attribution settings)

      Sorry, my SuperCite always gives stupid suggestions for cites so
I always just override with Initials (don't know why you ended up with
just J and not JT thought).  It's also funny that nobody objects to
'>' but (even if they have X-Attribution set) but if I site with
initials and they have X-Attribution set tell me I screwed up :)

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