Robert Widhopf-Fenk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> PS: I have no idea what you mean by a gmane-address and I am
>     to tired to digging for it by myself ... providing an
>     example gmane-address/message might help ...

Here's a blurb from <>:

  One popular, but anti-social way of getting less spam is to never
  give out the real email address. That doesn't work very well with
  mailing lists. They really need to know what your address is. Gmane
  is a mail-to-news gateway, which means that these addresses are
  exposed. (The web interface obfuscates all mail addresses, but they
  are in plain text using the news interface.)

  For people who really don't want to expose their email addresses,
  Gmane implements an address encryption scheme, coupled with a
  challenge/response mail delivery scheme.


  An address that looks like [EMAIL PROTECTED] will become
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] This is a real, functional mail
  address, and mail sent to that address will be delivered.

So the issue is, how to deal with the unwieldy encrypted address.

  But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for
  yourselves this day whom you will serve . . . But as for me and my
  household, we will serve the LORD.
  -- Joshua 24:15 (NIV)

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