> * Roland Winkler <jvax...@tah.bet> [2011-04-13 10:00:04 -0500]:
> On Mon Apr 11 2011 Sam Steingold wrote:
>> here is an addition:
>> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.bbdb.user:1689
>> From: Sam Steingold <s...@gnu.org>
>> Subject: Make "John" an alternate for "John Doe"? (y or n)
>> Newsgroups: gmane.emacs.bbdb.user
>> Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 17:37:35 -0400 (5 years, 38 weeks, 4 days ago)
>> when I have an entry
>> John Doe
>>      net: j...@foo.bar.com
>> and I stumble upon a message
>> From: John <j...@foo.bar.com>
>> I am asked the above question:
>> Make "John" an alternate for "John Doe"? (y or n)
>> I don't think this makes any sense.
>> Maybe the user names in "net" should be consulted in addition to "AKA"
>> and "name" before asking whether "John" is a good alternative?
> I think bbdb-use-alternate-names should help you here.

This variable is t (and always has been).
Are you suggesting that I add all usernames to the AKA field?
(it already has "John Public", "John Q Public", "John Q. Public" &c; it
would be nice if it were not necessary...)

Sam Steingold (http://sds.podval.org/) on CentOS release 5.5 (Final) X 
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