On Sun, Apr 24 2011, Roland Winkler wrote:

> On Sun Apr 24 2011 Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
>> If I could add a rider request to this, it would be great to have a
>> single key command to copy the field contents to the kill ring (the way
>> 'M' does now for the primary mail address). I often need to copy
>> people's details to other places, and every time I do I wish I had
>> this 
> There is bbdb-copy-records-as-kill.  But I can add
> bbdb-copy-field-as-kill.
> Oops: bbdb-copy-records-as-kill takes the records as displayed in
> the BBDB buffer.  For bbdb-copy-field-as-kill it would probably make
> more sense to omit all the extra formatting such as the indentation,
> but only use some "base formatting" (snail mail addresses would be
> difficult to use otherwise).

Exactly! I tried bbdb-copy-records-as-kill but it was more work to
remove the extra stuff than it was simply to move point to the field and
copy what I wanted manually.

Seems like preserving line breaks in multi-line fields (and removing
any left-hand whitespace) would be all the formatting you'd need…


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