On Mon, 25 Apr 2011 15:19:02 -0500 "Roland Winkler" <wink...@gnu.org> wrote: 

RW> On Mon Apr 25 2011 Stefan Monnier wrote:
>> I'd personally even prefer if fields work as "sexp", so I can just use
>> M-C-SPC to mark a few fields and then M-w to copy them.
>> I.e. hooking into forward-sexp-function would suit my fingers.
RW> Also I would always prefer if copying of individual fields did not
RW> depend on whether a record is displayed in multi-line or in one-line
RW> format. So copying should be based on the "raw" data in the database
RW> (with possibly some base formatting), but not on the displayed data
RW> including the field labels, line breaks and indentation.

Maybe always copy the raw data (fields or the whole record) but
provide yank functions insinuated into each known recipient?  Maybe
simply `bbdb-yank' could be the function?

For example yanking into a fundamental buffer would paste the text
version.  Yanking into a lisp mode would paste in Lisp syntax.  Yanking
into Gnus/VM/etc. would paste a vcard.

Just an idea, it could be useful though.


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