"Roland Winkler" <wink...@gnu.org> writes:

> On Sun Oct 14 2012 Alan Schmitt wrote:
>> Now completion does nothing (just shows the possibilities when
>> there is more than one) when I try it.
> What are you trying to do / expecting to get when BBDB opens a
> window with possible completions?

Something like in zsh (and maybe bash): first time display the list of
possible completions, then upon successive "tab" cycle through the

For instance, here is when I'm in the bbdb folder in zsh in a terminal:

~/src/bbdb(master ✔) 

I hit "cd tab", I get

~/src/bbdb(master ✔) cd
autom4te.cache/  doc/             lisp/            tex/           

I hit "tab" again, I get

~/src/bbdb(master ✔) cd autom4te.cache/
autom4te.cache/  doc/             lisp/            tex/           

I hit "tab" again, I get

~/src/bbdb(master ✔) cd doc/
autom4te.cache/  doc/             lisp/            tex/           

> For me, the completions buffer says at the top the usual two lines
> of any completions buffer
>   Click <mouse-2> on a completion to select it.
>   In this buffer, type RET to select the completion near point.
> When I follow this recipe I get what I want (and what was promised).
> What do you get?

Yes, this works. I'm trying to choose a completion without using the
mouse nor moving the point to the window. As I said earlier, I'm a bit
of an emacs novice, so I did not know this was an emacs-provided


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