On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 9:35 PM, Roland Winkler <wink...@gnu.org> wrote:

> On Wed Jan 23 2013 Sriram Karra wrote:
> >
> > #("John" 0 4 (fontified nil))
> >

> Could you be a bit more specific? Which version of BBDB are
> you talking about?


> Is it your own experience, or are you talking about someone else?

Someone else's. I could not reproduce it myself. The report came to me
because ASynK is not able to process this vector form, and a sync of BBDB
to google was failing.

> I guess that text properties can end up in the database itself if
> you are using something like (buffer-)substring instead of
> (buffer-)substring-no-properties when grabbing a fontified text
> string that ends up in BBDB.

The function bbdb-divide-name uses substring to extract the first and last
names. Let me check if changing that fixes the issue for the user who
complained about that.

At any rate given what you have mentioned, does it make sense to use the
-no-properties versions consistently across the code base? I could see ~25
instances in total.
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