On Sun Jan 27 2013 Sriram Karra wrote:
> (a) The "True Origin" of the text is not known (I mean, it is either from a
> minibuffer, or a MUA, but could conceivably be a script or whatever). The
> properties that come with a piece of text today come with whatever that
> property means at the point of origin. BBDB makes no promises to retain or
> return such properties.

Right now, I can only think of one way for deliberately introducing
text properties into BBDB in a meaningful way: There would have to
be some BBDB command for that. But I have not thought about details.
(If someone has a "permanent external feeding trough" for BBDB that
uses text properties in a predictable way, it could be another thing.)

Yet first of all, right now there is no context coming to my mind
where having such a feature was an improvement of some kind.

>  Yet all the text processing in between the grabbing of text
>  strings and adding them to the database should preserve text
>  properties.
> Makes a lot of sense. And we could do all this even before we come
> up with any real use of having text properties in the database,
> making it more flexible but keeping the database format more
> predictable for those who desire it to be so.


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