"Roland Winkler" <wink...@gnu.org> writes:

>> > "John Smith; John Smith, Jr; J. Smith, Esquire"
>> I guess we have no shortage in such examples requiring something
>> like `;' instead of `,'.  Besides AKAs / names, we may also have
>>    organization: HAL, Inc.; Smith, Miller & Davis; Company 17
>> Yet worse
>>    mail: sm...@example.com; "Smith, John" <smit...@smith.com>;
>>          jsm...@foo.com
> One proper solution to all this (plus a few other nuisances) could
> be an interface for editing BBDB records similar to the widget-based
> interface for customizing Emacs user variables.

Or to store the value as a list of strings, and make users loop through
each string with RET when they edit the value. Sort of like what happens
now when you edit a name that distinguishes between surname and given
name. It sounds a bit bothersome, but I think in practice it wouldn't be
that difficult.

I can't stand the widget system, but that's just one opinion,


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