On Mon Apr 14 2014 Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
> Or to store the value as a list of strings, 

That's what BBDB does anyway, and that's what bbdb-seperator-alist
is about: how to split the string which the user edits into what
gets actually stored in the database (see split-string).

> and make users loop through each string with RET when they edit
> the value.

You could always redefine the internal functions which BBDB uses
here in order to get the behavior that matches your personal taste.
BBDB 3 is fairly modular in that respect.

> I can't stand the widget system, but that's just one opinion,
> obviously...

I have never used it for anything more frequently (I do not use
customize for customizing emacs).  In that sense I do not yet know
whether I'd like that for myself.  In any case, I'd want to keep the
current approach, too.  But maybe it would even be possible to let
users develop their own favorite approach for editing BBDB records.
So far, I have not thought about details.

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