On Wed Jun 21 2017 Greg Bognar wrote:
> There is an EmacsWiki page for an earlier attempt to integrate WL
> and BBDB3: BBDBV3-Wl at https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/BBDBV3-Wl.
> However, the link to the project seems to be dead.

While the links to the project seem to be dead, the page says that
the code tried to re-implement for BBDB3 what BBDB-Wl did for BBDB2.

What is BBDB-Wl?  BBDB3 supports a number of MUAs I don't know
either.  But I simply took the code from BBDB2 as a guidance to
re-implement the interface.  So I could take a look at BBDB-Wl to
see whether it allows a similar thing.

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