On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 09:46:26PM -0800, Sumtingwong wrote:
> What is needed?  ;-)  A frequency count of each word in the input file
> for each file that was searched.  For example, the first word of the
> input file is "it".  Document one is searched for "it" and it shows up
> 248 times.  Optimal output would be (in tabbed columns):
> it     Document 1     248

Here's what I came up with:


use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long;

  "dictionary=s" => \  my $dictionary,
  "zero!"        => \  my $zero,
) or exit 1;

open my $dict_fh, '<', $dictionary
  or die "Can't open '$dictionary': $!\n";

my %dictionary;

while (<$dict_fh>) {
  $dictionary{$_} = 0;

while (<>) {
  while (/([a-z]+(?:[\'\-][a-z]+)*)/ig) {
      if exists $dictionary{$1};
} continue {
  if (eof) {
    foreach my $word (sort keys %dictionary) {
      print "$word\t$ARGV\t$dictionary{$word}\n"
        if $zero || $dictionary{$word};
      $dictionary{$word} = 0;

This breaks up the text into words, and for each word, it updates the count
if that word appeared in the original word list.  Words can contain inner
apostrophes and/or dashes.

You would run it like so:

perl word_freq.pl -d my_word_list file1 file2 ...

If you want the output to include words with a count of zero, add -z before
the list of files.

Now, there is an important caveat.  You mentioned that you're working with
foreign language text.  If your words include characters outside of
[a-zA-Z\'\-], then the regular expression to find all the words in the text
will need to be modified.  It's important to make sure the regular
expression matches whole words.


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